Sunday, February 03, 2019

Cast Removed!

 My cast can be removed! Yayayayayaya!

In anticipation of that, I brought ONE SHOE  along while i wore the other one..

The doctor who examined my feet after my cast was removed was a young, handsome one..he told me that I needed to wear a boot. I asked if i needed physiotherapy and he said, "DOn't need, you can start walking like that.."

And so I did...

I felt so free but it was painful to walk because my leg had no muscles...

Ace went along with me to help me and to thank him, I bought him jap food for lunch.

Alas, had to wait till 3pm then can buy the boot... i think think.. heck it lah. dun want to spend MORE money.. so i just went home..

At this moment my JCI bro ZW called and said he is in the area and asked if I will like him to send me home.. wah.. I so gan dong lor!

And this is how my leg look like without the cast. I had to wash alot alot alot of times to get rid of all the dead skin cells....eeeeeeee....

But I am glad to be FREE again!

The next day, a friend said he will celebrate for me by bringing me to eat a good yong tau hu... its called Bai Nian and it is near home but I never got around to eat it...

Finally got chance:)

Previous Post: We Cook For Each Other

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