Here are some lessons I learnt about bringing overseas which may be of help to you:
- Prepare lots of food. Food is the ONE BRIBE that can make them be happy and willing to sit down and not move around so much.
- Dun worry about whether the hotel room is baby proof. With your child's help, you can easily baby proof it within 5 minutes because somehow, they will see all the dangerous "TOYS" and run and play with it immediately.
- Bring at least one fav stuffed toy along, it will help your child to feel more at home and rest earlier and better.
- Bring a bottle of water along during the plane ride. He can drink the water during take off and landing so that his ears will not feel too uncomfortable.
- Dun only remember to bring toys only for the plane ride. Remember also to bring toys along for playing in the hotel room or your kid will be sure to be bored to death.. so boh pian.. cos they are so bored, they will start playing with the hotel room switches for the
lights and lamps, drawing on the hotel table... - If you intend to go to the pool, a float, a ball and some toys are a must ;)
- Bring a cap for your child. In case it rains and you dun have an umbrella on hand, at least you still have a cap.
- Dun worry about your child. They can take care of themselves and they are the greatest networkers in the world. They will make lots of friends and will naturally know how to stand up to bullies.
- Bring a scarf along for your child. A scarf is really useful because you can use it to keep YOU warm.. keep your child warm and most importantly, 'belt' your child to the babyseat.. cos NOT ALL BABYSEATS have safety measures called belts! At least non that I went to did.. cept for the one in the hotel.. When tat happens, your child will tend to want to come down and scout around.
- Bring lots of extra clothing. You never know when he needs and extra change and remember to bring extra pants and socks for when he sleeps in an air conditioned hotel room at night.
- Watch your diet and your language... your child will suddenly be with you 24/7. He is watching your every single move... if you dun do it right, he will sure to follow as well.
- Lessen waiting time. Dun fall for the trick and board the plane too quick. While airlines usually allow people with children to board the plane first, take your time! Toddlers DO NOT like to wait in a confined area. Board the plane as late as you can and let your child run around the hotel as much as possible before you board so that they will use up all their excess energy and be willing to settle down or even sleep during the plane ride.
- Lessen waiting time! This is SO SO important. Plan your trip such that you can check into the hotel IMMEDIATELY upon reaching and that you can leave the hotel once you check out. In the event that you cannot arrange it this way, make sure you have back up plans about what to do. Wasting 5 hours before your flight doing nothing is no fun... I can PERSONALLY attest to that! (I nearly died waiting myself...)
- If it is a longer trip, consider investing in a portable DVD and bringing their fav VCDs (eg, Barney) along... that really helps to 'waste' lots of time and gives you some free time.
- Eat in the hotel. Usually the food in the hotel is not so oily and in our experience tastes better as well. IN our case, it is not even necessarily cheaper! Less oily food is healthier for baby as well.
- Last but not least, bring lots of VP. At least you can make sure your child is getting all the nutrients he needs and that he is well protected from any of the viruses that are flying around. VP also makes a great snack when you need something to make him sit down. When we were there, Ace would come to the luggage and search for VP himself.
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