Friday, July 04, 2008

Thomas Train

The other day, Ace said he wanted to draw... So I passed him his crayons and a envelope to draw...

After a while, he handed me the paper and told me he is done with his drawing... I asked him what he was drawing and he said, "Thomas Train lor..."

Here is a comparison between the train and his drawing..

Haha.. I would say it is not bad given that he has just turned three.. at least he got the colours right.. hahaa...

Anyway, he has improved in his drawing... now, he can draw people with circles for eyes, small circle for nose and a straight line for mouth..and then he will even add in hair and his figures even come with a body and hands and legs too...

The beautiful thing about it is that when he draws something... even if i kept it for a long time and showed it to him a few days later, he will recognize what he was drawing... that tells me he is not just doodling but drawing with a purpose and he has a perception about what he is drawing...

I am really amazed.. maybe Ace will turn out to be artistic like me! ;) Haha..

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