Monday, October 15, 2018

Smart TV

Since the TV kaput.. i decided to go buy TV..

But hor, I spent so much time doing research lah.. looking at this and that...

IN the end, it was either the cheap $649 Phillips or the $1049 LG....

I opted for the cheap one...

But after it was installed in my house. I dam regret...

The smart tv was not smart at all. I wanted to buy smart tv so I could watch alot of dramas on tv... but the smart tv couldnt download much apps except form the Phillips App STore and the only app that I can use ended up was YOUTUBE...

Interface was also difficult to navigate unless the LG that i saw... WHY.. why did i opt to save that $400 and make life difficult for myself. Even if I buy back Samsung also better than THIS!

But well, I complained to Ace and he said he happy to just do Youtube cos he doesnt watch tv at all anyway.

But now I know.. next time I will buy a better tv  instead of try to save money cos i spend so much time in front of my tv.. hahahaahahah...

Previous Post: Dressed To Kill

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