Name: Chua Yen Feng, Ace
New Nicknames: 小锋, Boy Boy, 宝贝
Gender: Still Male and still Straight (has preference for pretty women and old men)
Weight: Approx 6.8kg
Height: 62.5cm
Circumference of Head: 42cm
Remark: Took his 3rd mth injection like a MAN ;) Only cried for two seconds.
Also, on this special day, his BC number 7316 opened leh! The top prize for this week's 4D is 3716! Tiao Ji.. Bang head for father-in-law cos he 4got to buy this number... I called him to tell him and he said, "Wah, if chuan da, then ho say liao!" (If I bought all permuations, then I will surely win!)
Cradle Cap Gone: so sad, now nothing to pick at. But in the middle of the month, he suddenly had an increase in cradle cap on his head. Had lots of fun playing with it. That was probably the last bout of it.- More Hair Loss: Ace is losing more hair. Whenever I use towel to wipe him, he will drop more hair and it will end up on his cheek, his shirt, everywhere!
Starts Making More Sounds: Ace now has many different sounds that represent different things. He can cry for ‘milk’ and he can also heave sighs of relieve. He has learnt to SCREAM and I am trying to teach him that louder doesn’t mean winner. He will also talk back at people in a larger variety of sounds when they talk to him.
Increase Size of Torso, Arms and Legs: Well, where did you think his 1kg weight increase went? It went to his cheeks, his double chin as well as his arm and legs. Many have commented that he is a chubby baby. Most importantly, the chubby legs and arms are very kiat and not the loose loose flabby kind. His 0-6 months clothes are mostly too tight. Some are just nice. He is growing into 6-9 month clothes liao!
Toughened Neck Muscles: Ace can now sit upright without much support on his neck with little support on his back. He can sit up at the bath tub and can sit upright with his neck upright and can even turn his neck around when he is upright. (We discovered this when we tried to cover his face so that he cannot watch TV)
Increased muscle movement and control: Ace can now grab light things like my shirt, my bra (darn, almost made me走光 a few times) and he can hold his little toys too. He usually grabs hold of the fabric of my shirt when feeding and sometimes when he wants to feed,he would grab my t shirt and do the movement of trying to lift it to show that he is hungry.
His grip is now tight and when he grabs hold of big things like people’s arms, he merely grabs the skin and leaves nail marks on the skin. He also likes to grab things using his toes. His favourite hobby is to grab Max’s nipples using his toes. Hahaha…
Ace can also stand up for longer periods (about 5-10 seconds) if you support him at his armpits.
Teething: Ace is growing teeth. He is salivating a lot and starting to like to suck his whole fist. He started sucking his fist as if he was sucking milk from my breast and then graduated to licking and trying to put the whole fist into his mouth. If you look into his mouth, you can see white little buds on his lower gums.
Power Legs: Can lift his whole buttock up using his leg and can push himself forward and backwards using his legs.
Learns to imitate voices and expressions. When Max stuck out his tongue at Ace, Ace will follow and stick his tongue out. When we tell him he is clever for doing that, he seems to understand and smiles.
Starts to make louder sounds in bid to get attention.
Knows the difference between being in private and in public. In private when there is only mummy and him or when at home, he does not hesitate to break out into a cry when he is hungry. However, when in public, he will watch himself and give little hints like sucking his hand and making small cries.
Sway slightly to music and in rhythm with music
Can express happiness by smiling and unhappiness with his M shape mouth.
Knows how to shake his head at things he dun want or dun like (sometimes)
Top Pictures of the Month:
Here are top pics chosen by me.. comment and vote for the best picture.. ;)

yeah ace now like to grip things liao... always pull my hair when i carry him and pull already dun wanna let go...
I luv the pic where Ace is looking like teletubbby....cute!
He's an intelligent baby...cheers
haa. he also pull my hair:) until all my hair dropping off:P
Monky: most pple say i v mean, take this kind of pic n say he telly tubby..:P thanks 4 compliment..hahaha
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