Monday, October 30, 2006

Everything Also Nen Nen

In case you didn't know, "Nen nen" means 'milk' in baby language.

Somehow, Ace seems to have gone backwards in his language development and his communication skills.

In the past, he would happily do the MILK sign for milk and the MORE sign for more food. He would call Mummy when I asked him to call me or would at least do so when he wanted milk or wanted me to carry him. He would also call Daddy when he wanted Daddy to carry him or play with him.


He stopped calling us. Stopped doing the signs and stopped saying anything else except nen nen.

If he wants more food, "Nen, Nen.."

Ask him to call mummy, "Nen, Nen.."

Ask him to call daddy, "Nen, Nen, nen, nen.."

But he sees Ah Yee, he happily calls, "Yeee!" when he sees her.


Very angry...

The other day, Daddy asked him to call him. "Call me and I feed you..."

Instead of saying Nen Nen, Ace said, "Bu yao!" (I don't want) and then continued to Nen Nen Nen...

Wah lau, got energy and can put effort to say Nen nen and Bu Yao also dun want to call us.. so difficult meh??

Daddy says "(and we quote from My Lovely Samsoon) give birth to one pumpkin at least can cook soup to drink.. sigh..."

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Anonymous said...

haha.. ace is so cuteeeeeeeee :P

Anonymous said...

quickly go make baby for yourself! then you can also blog about your baby! :)