Monday, October 23, 2006

What is Ace Staring At?

Make a guess...

What is Ace STARING at so intently?

What did you think it was?:)

What else could it be but Ah Yee with food.. VITAGEN.

The next day, while Ace was in the playpen, I took out a bottle of vitagen and started to drink. He then started to make a big fuss and throw a huge tantrum in this pen. And he finally stopped when Waigong carried him.... he wriggled himself out of Waigong's arms, ran to the dustbin and happily picked up the object of his desire: the empty VITAGEN BOTTLE.

All that noise just for an empty bottle? Tsk tsk tsk...

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Anonymous said...

haha.. ace is attracted to your vitagen!!!!!!! :P

<*ANGEL*> said...

he is attracted to ANYTHING tat can be eaten:P