Saturday, February 23, 2008

Observant Ace

We were sitting in the car and Daddy was happily driving us to Vivocity to visit Ganma at her Taoshu activity in Page One.

All of a sudden, Ace pointed out of the car and told me, "Mama, Uncle oi oi..."

And true enough, there is this uncle, sleeping so soundly that he was actually SALIVATING! Hahaha.. trust Ace to be so observant.

But anyway, our little observer has recently also started to become a TV commentator. He will sit and watch TV with me and give comments about what is happening.

Eg, the other day, we were watching some war film and it showed some japanese soldiers beating people up. "Bu ke yi da ren oh..." Ace said (which meant cannot hit other people).

And then the next scene was the Japanese traitor being beaten up by his father and he was crying. "Uncle ku ku orh.." (Uncle is crying...)

Then the man had a quarrrel with his brothers and ran away. "Uncle.. mmmm... uncle gai gai orh.." (Uncle, mmm...uncle went shopping/out)

Daddy says he will go crazy if Ace were to do that while watching TV with him because Daddy is an auditory.

Previous Post: Model Ace

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