Ace's love affair with the care bears started when he was a baby (Click on link to see cute baby Ace with his fav cheer bear)... Ah Yee used to have a cheer bear and whenever Ace is feeling upset, the sight of the cheer bear will cheer him up immensely...
And then during one of his birthdays, someone gave him an AMIGO bear and a GRUMPY bear.. and he started to like to sleep with them and expecially liked the grumpy bear.. but we thought grumpy bear is TOO GRUMPY and so we bought a Tenderheart bear for him and told him that Tenderheart is a leader of carebear.. just like his name, Ace...
Plus, I have a soft spot for tenderheart...cos when we were young, me and my sister always made believe that we had carebear powers and whenever the tv was spoilt, we would CARE BEAR STARE at the tv and it became okie again.. hahahahaha... so I said I was Tenderheart bear and my sister said she was cheer bear...
Now tat we stay in 78, all of Ah Yee's bears also became Ace's bears... and just before we went to Dubai, a friend gave Ace a Do YOur Best Bear...(actually she was the same one who gave Ace an Amigo and Grumpy bear) and while we were in dubai with tenderheart and do your best, Ace developed the habit of playing with the bears before he slept and he would make them talk to each other and and play with them and hug them tight before he slept..
The other day when Max just went home, Ace was unusually bored and unhappy.. so he out of nowhere asked if he could watch Carebear Cartoon and so I used my iphone and downloaded some old eps of the care bear cartoon on youtube for him to watch...
And he loved it! ;)
So I asked him later which bear he wanted to be, he said he wanted to be Share bear.. "But there are so many different colours and so many different designs on their tummies, why did you choose share bear?" I asked him.. cos I was surprised he chose the purple bear with lollipops on his tummy.... "Because I dunno the other bears mah.." he said...
And then he said he watned to be tender heart bear.. hahahahaha..
Anyway, nowadays we would look at what each other is wearing and name the person accordingly. Eg if I am wearing a tee shirt with a picture of a tree, I will be Tree Bear... Ace says that gong gong is NAKED BEAR because he always never wear shirt at home.. hahahaah.. and his daddy is BOTAK BEAR.. hahahahahaha...
The other day, we decided to make good on our carebear powers while we were walking home from Yeye's house... One of my friends, Pu Yin, who is a monk was badly burnt and injured.. Apparently, a lamp got knocked over and started burning everything nearby. In order to protect his temple and prevent it from being burnt, this high monk from Taiwan jumped on top of the fire to keep it from spreading.. because the pine oil used in temples are very toxic, he breathed in alot of toxic. As PY is 70% burnt, many of his organs were failing and their rate of recovery and response to treatment was very slow. After being in coma for about a week, I was informed that his doctor will not be able to do anything else for him unless he wakes up.... so i told Ace about Puyin and we sent love to him together..
And since we were walking home and there was nothing else to do, I asked Ace if he could send love to Puyin again for him to wake up.... and so we sent some love to Puyin energetically.. and then I was suddenly inspired and I told Ace, "Let's care bear stare and send even more love to Puyin... 4, 3, 2, 1... STARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And I really felt a huge amount of love pass over to Puyin. I hope he will wake up soon... If you have a moment, do send him love and prayers too...
PPS: Ven. Pu-yin tried to breath on his own today. The doctor was delighted. Hopefully gradually he can breath on his own totally. Meanwhile, they will let him practice more breathing exercises during day time and put him on machine at night. Vital signs and nerve reflections are still the same but his legs seem to have more strength. According to the doctor, this is a good sign and great beginning. Therefore, let us have faith and continue to pray hard for him to go through all these trials.
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