And still never got a chance to visit the beach:) hahahaha... so can only make do with taking photos:)
I will miss this beautiful scenery!:)
During lunch break, we brought all our bottles to the recycling centre to change the plastic bottles into money!:)
Then we went to eat at the Thai Express food truck... And so happy to hear the Lao Ban Niang speaking Thai! Must be authentic then!:)
While the others were ordering food, I took a look around... and found this open air gym.. wonder who is using it...
They also sold fresh coconuts.. so we ordered to drink:)
Saw a school bus driving in..
Fried basil chicken...
Green curry!:)
Thai fried rice...
Check out the lovely sun rays:)
Hey, saw the Lions club sign again and finally got to take a picture:) Too bad cannot visit their club and say HI :)
Took a photo with my lovely family group at the end of the workshop!:)
Then it was time to party!!!!
When I stepped into the house, I was like... Max is going to love this place! Wish he were here as well....
Cos they have a pool table...
Lots of buddha themed artworks....
Handsome man making nice magaritas! :)
And the best bartender in the world!:)
Small living area for you to sit, drink and look out into the garden..
Living room area for gathering with friends...
Great, fun-loving friends to hang out with...
Angels to watch over you... and your drinks:)
Lots of love floating in the air...
A class photo:)
I wish one day I can go there with Max too!:)
We have come a long way in the last 10 days and it was a great way to end and round up the workshop!:)
Last day full day in Hawaii... woke up early cos wanted to go to the outlet to help my friends find their shopping and also to check out and see if I can find a pair of Crocs for Ace... while I was in hawaii.. lots of pple messaged me and asked me to help the buy this and buy that.... lucky for me though that alot of the things they asked me to buy I could not find cos if not I may not be able to bring them home cos no lugguage space.... Cos I only brought one big lugguage and many of the things I bought came in boxes...
Next time I will refuse last minute orders for stuff cos end up I dun have enough spending money to spend lor:) hahahahahaha....
Second last time I get to take THIS picture...
I will miss these photos....
And will miss this mountain right opposite our house...
Today is misty mountains day.. and since we had time we parked the car and took photos at the Jurassic Park area.....
Though the sky was bright, can still see the moon lor:)
What is beautiful scenery without beautiful MEINUs right?:)
I will miss this sea....
And this lovely island with a lone coconut tree:)
Bye bye Lions club sign...
Next stop, starbucks and supermarket so I can buy some Hawaiian Nuts- Macadamia...
Taking in the view while waiting for my friends...
Time to drive to the outlet!:)
Just in case you thought I had so much time to go to so many places... most of the scenery photos you saw.. they are all taken while I am in the car when we were travelling from one place to the other:) hahahahaha
Arrived at the outlet and first stop was Old Navy that we did not visit the last time we came.. but leh, not much sale going on.. so I din buy anything... Or maybe my standard is too cheapo.. anything more than 10usd is considered too ex to me:)
At outlet! Saw this pair of really interesting shoes.. do you think the little boy can fly if he wears such shoes?:)
Interesting bag and I cannot help but take a picture cos I feel it sort of sums up this hawaii trip:)
Star wars shoes.. took picture to show Ace:) He asked me why I din buy for him and I told him it is only available in kids size lah..
I love this pair of shoes.. I wish they had it in adult size!:)
Saw Lion Dance at the outlets :) A little early for CNY I guess:) hahahaha
Lion getting the ang pow inside Calvin Klein shop...
They only took one ang pow and forgot the other one at the other door and had to come back again:) hahahahaha....
Their troupe even had this really cute little boy who was dancing using his little lion head:)
After we alll did our shopping (I bought a $2 Tommy Hilfiger belt for Ace cos C and WL had a voucher), it was time to go to Waikiki to meet our friends for lunch!:)
Saw this really cute car plate on the way...
And a woman who felt so relaxed in her car she thought she in her own living room:) hahaha
Plus some Harley Davidson's fans... I thought they looked a little strange and only realized much later that they looked out of place to me cos they were not wearing helmets! Traffic rules here are really lax....
Drove past the Waikiki Beach. this is as close as I will get to this beach.. adious!
There is a art on the fence thingy near the Waikiki Zoo...
Dunno why this reminds me of Kallang Basin...
Here at the steakhouse...
The menu...
Saw this special sauce they made specially for the steak.. but hor, looked at the ingredients and I was like "Chey... high class, jia liao tomato ketchup niah..." hahahahah
The beautiful C:)
So big lor the steak.. lucky we ordered to share.. if not, how to finish!?
Steak fries...
Lobster Bisque soup.. very salty.. but tasted ok if you dip in plain bread...
Perfect medium rare steak...
C's recommendation. Tar Tar... or something like tat:) I dunno wat it is.. jsut eat lah.. nice!
They recomended this coffee place but i was just too full... so I headed off to Ala Moana shopping mall with WL, C and A....
All the toursity magazines you might need:)
Hey, they got ice kachang here in Hawaii too!!!!
At this point, I found out that I needed some plaster or I will not be able to walk properly lor.... so we went to the ABC store for me to buy plaster.. but I also found THESE!!!!
So cute right?????
So interesting.. that they sell banana separately :)
Saw this couple with their dogs and A waved to the doggies.. and instead of walking off, the man in blue actually stopped his footsteps... asked his dog to say HI to us...
And the dog dressed in pink kept turning to look... and so the man told her, "Aww, peanut, there is no need to get jealous!" hahahaha.. so cute lor!
Saw this store called GAGA.. wonder if it is started by Lady Gaga...
Guess what I found?! ;) Strangely, this just reminds me of Dubai.. hahahahahaha...
The walk to ALa Moana was a super long one.. I thought it will be a short walk but ended up a 30-45 min walk!:)
Cannot help but notice that all the pipes lah, back of the signs lah.. here are are stuck with all sorts of stickers..
Common touristy "bus" on the road... I like this design best:)
There is a story to this picture.. as we were walking, A was telling me that when she was here close to 20 years ago.. the building with the whale picture was NEW and the picture was still painting in progress!:)
Crab lovers should all love this.. all you can eat crab!:)
IHOP! Oh dear.. so many good things to eat.. so little stomach!
We took a detour to see if we can take pictures of the waterfront..
Awww... that tour bus is so cute lor.. even has a tail at the top:)
Finally reached Ala Moana shopping mall!:)
Interesting car plate...
There is a Koi pond inside the mall.. I am sure Ace will love this:) The Kois always gather when they see people cos i think they expect to get food:) hahaha
Feed me, feed me!
Saw these wooden HP covers. so nice:)
At request of friend, went to the Disney store to help her get limited edition Tsum Tsum...
Apparently, they can only be found in Hawaii...
I contemplated buying more for my tsum tsum kakis but they are just too useless lah so small, cannot cuddle or wat... I figured enough just to take photos:) hahaha
I thought Ace might like this but then it is a tad childish and so I just took picture:)
After that, we went Long's to see see look look.. on the outside it says it is a pharmacy so I expected it to be like Guardian or wat.. but turned out they sold lots of food!:) Even suan mei!
As Vday is round the corner, there were lots of chocolates on sale as well ;)
Saw a Hello Kitty shop and cannot help but must go in!:)
I love this wallet:) So pretty!
Love the bag in the same design too!
Then we went to Mac donald for a drink and to rest our legs:)
Saw the hand of Fatimah there and thought of Dubai again:)
Then it was time to head back to Waikiki to meet up with our other classmates for a drink while watching sunset...
But leh, we missed the sunset with them and managed to see it while walking on our way home:)
Remember I said they will paste stickers on alot of stuff.. I am so surprised to find the Briuce Le and even Said Baba sticker on the back of this sign... mainly because the sign is very very tall at a 2.5 meter height... Unless you are 2 meters tall.. how to paste the sticker there right?
On the way back... saw something that I did not notice before on the pavements... only on certain part of the pavement, you will see these words:)
Saw this guy on a skateboard whizzing around on the roads... hahahaha
Passed by this place again but still no round shit to walk through to the ocean...
While waiting to find out where our friends were, I walked out to the beach at Westin Moana Surfrider in Waikiki Beach... Just in time for this gorgeous picture:)
As i was taking pics, there was a group pf pple ho just returned on a ship and they were all howling and yelling.... I wonder wat fantastic adventure did they go out to ;)
We found our friends at the outdoor lounge at Westin Moana Surfrider in Waikiki Beach which had live band performance lor... all their singers will get standing ovations lor:)
After that, some of us decided to do dinner while others went elsewhere and so it was probably the last time we will see them... and we hugged each other tightly.... I think the love that was spreading around looked very irresistable to others around us... some even came and joined our group hugs:) hahahahaha... But looking back, I think we really looked like a strange bunch of people... Cos we had amongst us Americans, Europeans and Asians and we were all chatting away in various languages including gesturing :) hahaha
Perhaps it is fitting that we ended our night at a steakhouse called CHUCK's! Hahahahaha
Their menu on the black bottle:)
Alas the food was nothing to shout about and the service was also so so onli...
After that, we had our hugs and went home to rest. Had to rest early as we will have to wake early...
Last time this trip I could take this picture.....
WL putting all the lugguage into the car. Packing the night before was hell... I had so many boxes it was really hard to squeeze them in. When we arrived at the airport to check in, my lugguage was over weight lor.. had to tompang in WL's new and somewhat empty lugguage or pay USD200 extra!
Goodbye mountains of Oahu!
Realized that the owner of the house we lived in has an electric car.. so cool:)
Goodbye tiny island in the sea..
Goodbye misty mountain views and mountain showers:)
Reached the airport and while WL went to return the rented car, I sat there, take lots of pics and looked after all the luggage:)
So cute this sign..
I will miss Waikiki and I promise I will get to the beach the next time I am here!:) hahaha
Saw pineapples for sale and thought or a while if i should buy the for Ace since he insisted i have to eat hawaiin pineapples as his friend said they are very good.. decided otherwise cos remembered he is not really a fan of pineapples...
Children all over the world are so creative!:)
Cute toilet sign:)
We had to walk to our gate... and it was strange to me as it is first time we will walk in open air passage to our gates:)
Bye bye T... I knew that my buddy, T was on the JAP flight at around the same timing.. so that could likely be her:)
While at the gate, saw someone dressed like a samurai.. in the traditional samurai clothes and check out the hair.. if you look carefully, you can see that the top is really bald...
I paiseh to take his frontal view but he was dressed somewhat like this:

Check out the chakra mandala bracelet my buddy gave me :)
One more before I zzzz.. the plan is to zzz as much as possible from HNL to NRT
Lucky me... Got the whole row to myself so can lie down and sleep. Found out that my feet are not so cold when they are raised :) Food was not too bad this time round.... was gong bao chicken with rice:)
Reached Narita liao and was hungry:)
Authentic ramen :) It was 4 degrees in japan and though warm in the airport.. feels shiok to drink hot soup!
Saw this while searching for tokyo banana biscuits.... Too bad couldnt find them.. but fond this instead.... sooooooooooooooooooooooo kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! No lah, never buy... I busted budget liao.. so only take picture ;)
Din notice this the last time i came to this shop on the way to HNL.... it is like a lighted candle at the ceiling...
Came back to Kabuki Gate to take pictures ;)
Made me think of the Japanese Art and Aesthetics module I took in university:) It was such a strange module cos every lesson is just our teacher flashing us pictures of art pieces from different eras... and interestingly, after this module, I really learnt to appreciate art! Hahhaahahaha...
And I even did a project about Kabuki Make up and masks....
Saw this program while sitting at the gate waiting to board... this is traditional japanese jewellery... the outline is made with thin pieces of metal that is first twisted into the outline... and then filled in with some sort of resin...
So pretty hor...
And then leh, it was time to board... I was determined not to sleep during this flight but too tired:) still zzzz in the end! hahahahahaha...
And then finally I saw my favorite botak head when he came to fetch me and it was home sweet home... and end of my Hawaiin adventure:)
Next day, woke bright and early to bring Ace to school as I promised him:) And went back, took a nap and woke to go for my fav singaporean bfast with my fav man!:)
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