Sunday, March 16, 2008

True Leader, Ace

I think Ace is very much a people person.

The other day, me and Daddy were just discussing about this. We noticed that Ace is not so good at starting things. He doesn't start things and influence others. More often than not, he is in the place of a follower. Eg, in school, he likes to follow Gregory and his other classmates such that when they do certain things, he does it as well.

Daddy is a tad worried about it because Daddy is very much about growth and leadership and all those stuff. So he is worried that our son would not become a leader. I have ever had this worry as well before as I know how important it is to be a good leader.

"But all good leaders start from being a very good follower.." I told Daddy.

And when we think about it... Ace is very much a true leader in many other sense. Because leadership is not about letting others follow you. True leadership is about responding to people in need and Ace is very good at that.

For eg, in class, Ace has a classmate who is so shy he doesnt want to come into the room, Ace will go and hold his hand to walk him in.

When he sees people who are upset, he is empathetic enough to go hug them and ask them not to cry or ask them, "why?"

Anyway, I just got back Ace's half yearly report from Shichida about his progress. Apparently, Ace is better than average expected results in terms or physical development, perception and linguistic development. But his highest scores come from his social development.

I guess that means he is developing his leadership.. hehe ;)

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