He has not been going out much since his Daddy left...
So the other day, when we went to have dinner with our Dreams Inc kakis, we decided to bring Ace along.
Early in the morning on the way to school, I told him that I will be bringing him out for dinner and Tiffany might be coming along.
"Is Tiffany coming?" He asked me as we were going down the stairs..
"Is Tiffany coming?" He asked me as we were walking towards the car...
"Is Tiffany coming?" He asked me as we were sitting inside the car....
"Is Tiffany coming?" He asked me when he reached home after school.
So finally I checked with Germaine if they are bringing Tiff... Tiff was most certainly going and so I asked Ace to quickly change into his going out clothes.
Alas, Tiff was a little shy that day and preferred to stand on her chair and play with her Daddy.. so poor Ace was really quite bored at our gathering since he didn't really understand all the conversation that we had anyway...
So I decided to give him a task to complete. "Ace, can you help to give out the chopsticks?"
"Give this to Zhenyin jie jie... ok, come back.. now give this to Wanyuan..." So I passed him at any one time, only one pair of chopsticks and after he passed to one person, he had to come back to me to get another pair of chopsticks.
Someone asked me why didn't I pass the chopsticks to him all at one shot. "Keep him bz mah.. like that he has more things to do and don't feel so bored..."
Eventually he got tired of giving out cutlery and went to bug Tiffany. "Do you want to come down? Do you want to play with me?"
But Tiffany didn't want to as she rather enjoyed just giggling with her dad at her chair. So Ace tried to carry her and grab her..
I told Ace he has to ask her permission and if she doesn't want to.. just ask again later...
So Ace ran around our table.. played with himself for a little while.. until he got bored.. and then he ran up to Tiffany and asked her, "Do you want to come down? Do you want to play with me?"
Tiff smiled at him but still not very interested..
So Ace went around to play and then ran to her again a short while later and asked her "Do you want to come down? Do you want to play with me?"
Finally, he just took a chair and stood beside her to talk to her..
Clever right, my son?
Previous Post: I Don't Want To Go School
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