Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lost Of Territory

Ace cried and bade farewell to his playpen today.

Well, Ace has been trying to climb out of his playpen for the past few weeks and because of that, he kind of stopped putting him into the playpen because it is way too dangerous. The other day, he successfully climbed dropped out his playpen with a big bang and cried real loud and so everyone is careful not to put him in when no one is in the living room.

Also, he doesn't really like to stay in the playpen for long now. Ace is getting more and more active and always wants to walk around the whole house and demands that we play with him all the time.

So, Waipo decided that it is time to keep the playpen as it was taking a little too much space.

When we folded it up, Ace cried and kept touching it. He touched it, walked around it and sat on the wrapped up playpen for a long time before he could bear to let it go and welcome the new independence that came with it ;)

Previous Post: Lao Ma Almost Melted

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