Wednesday, April 27, 2016


 And so, Ace's current food obsession is with Thai food... specifically GREEN CURRY and Kangkong fried with bean paste and chilli...

And that, is his default spicy fighter drink:)

I know Ace really enjoys the fried kangkong lah.. cos after I bough a bean paste he has been asking every other day if I will be cooking the fried kangkong!:)

But I never knew he actually enjoyed it so much till he cannot bear to waste ANY BIT of the sauce.. either from the kangkong.. or the green curry...

 That is him when we went to eat Thai food the other day... trying to scrap off and pick up every last bit of sauce because as he declares, "This is so delicious!" I think Thai Express should hire him to make an ad or something and give him free flow lifetime kangkong supply or wat:) hahaha

 He poured the sauce into his plate and tried to slowly slurp it up.. I asked him if he wanted to lick the plate clean and he actually seriously gave thought to doing that!:)

 Green curry also cannot waste... every drop counts!!!

 And it is not limited to THAI EXPRESS thai food... this is him at another restaurant called THAI TABLE the other day..

Luckily he did not start licking the plates or I would feel so embarrassed! Hahahhaha..

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