Monday, April 09, 2007


Yesterday, we brought Ace to the playground..

On our way home, we saw alot of people playing Sepak Takraw... Ace excitedly told us, "Ball! Ball!" when he saw them from a distance.

Since he was so excited, we decided to sit down and watch them play.

Ace was really intrigued.. his eyes followed every movement of the ball. And then all of a sudden, for no reason, whenever someone headed the ball or kicked the ball, he would start to clap his hands, raise his arms and said, "YEAH!" with his hands raised.

He got so fired up he even wanted to run in and join them!

I really wonder how he knew that if you were watching people play ball, you have to cheer for them? Did he observe Daddy cheering for Liverpool?

Anyway, during his bedtime that day, he was MOST hyperactive.. Daddy took a yellow paper and crushed it into a ball (It was the same colour as the sepak takraw ball) and so Ace excitedly kicked and threw it and laughed and laughed and refused to sleep... even though it was already 12 mid night.

Anyway, Ace can finally grasp the game rules of throw and catch and sometimes when he is in the mood, me can play throw and catch with him for a good 10 minutes. I really love my boy cos even small things like this makes him soooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooo happy! :)

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