Thursday, December 10, 2015

Quotes From Master Ace

Recently, Ace made up two "famous quotes" on his own again...

First one he made when we were in the ASEAN Para Games... when he danced so well tat during the Wheelchair Basketball and got featured on the TV in the stadium for a long time...  He was so hao lian that he was on TV for a long time.. and later, when he won the dance off the next day, he also very hao lian...

So when I said, "Oi, dun hao lian lah.." he turned around and very confidently told me.. "I am not haolian ok... I am talented..."


And then tonight, while on the way home from somewhere, he made up another "famous quote from Ace"...

We had a friend who shared that they are having problems in their relationship and it is a difficult time at the moment...

Ace said... 'Haven't you heard of the famous quote? It goes like this- If it is tight.. may be it is not right..."

I asked him what it means and where he read that from..

He said that it means if something is very difficult and complicated all the time, maybe it is not the right thing for you after all...

And where did he read that from? No where... cos... he came up with it by himself! Hahahahahaa..

He is so funny and so cute lah..

But I had to remind him that sometimes we are in a difficult situation to learn and not all times when things are tight we have to give up... cos the important thing is to learn the lesson that is present in the difficult situation.

On another occasion, Max met with a challenge and Ace provided the solution and so Max said to Ace, "Aiyoh... so clever lah.. why you so clever huh?" And to which Ace replied without missing a beat, "因为我是天才..." hahahha...

Previous Post: Lions Club Xmas Gathering

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