Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hang In There Cat Poster

There is a Chinese saying that goes, "有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?" that means something like "When you have friends visiting you from afar, you will feel very happy!"

And so, when my FIL's godsister visited with her two daughters, we were happy to meet up for a meal:)

Time really flies lor.. when I got married, these two little girls were my little flowers girls but now they are grown women... I can only imagine how in a twinkling of an eye, my own son will also become a fine young man:)

Anyway, we had dinner at this coffeeshop where there was a machine for you to play pinballs.. the prize is some sort of rubber ball and Ace was so happy to win three of these rubber balls...

Because it is a zichar stall we visit often and also cos they made a mistake in one of our orders, they made up for it with free dessert. When Ace saw the dessert was pudding... with longan.. he was soooooo happy ....

 We thought good service boy is trying to serve everyone.. turns out.. he was just trying to get a big piece of pudding! hahahaha..

But afterwards, when we reminded him he is good service boy.. he helped to scoop and serve everyone:)

 Time for a group photo!:)

 Ace trying out the pull up bar in Nai Nai house.. . He says that he looks like the HANG IN THERE CAT POSTER :)

Ok.. maybe this one looks more like it?:P wahahahahahah...

Anyway, we were pleasantly surprised with xmas presents from them and Ace even received a antique... 15 year old Star Wars sling bag from Lao Gou lor:) COOLNESS to the Max!:)

Previous Post: Ace's Dream

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