So why is this entry named Rolling SHIT? No offense to the big stars... it is just named so because Ace managed to shit out a round ball of shit tat rolled around in his diapers!
Hahahaha... how cool is that?:P
(That's Ace acting as spokesperson for Fibre Plus.. a product I retail tat helps pple to SHIT easily.. muahahaha.. this picture helped me and my team sell $1040 worth of Fibre Plus for Charity within one day okie.. dun pray pray... )
Well, yday.. Ace was at Waipo's place mah.. so waipo fed him some veg for lunch. He usually has rice gruel or cereal for lunch one.. it is the first time he is taking so much vege..
Today, in the afternoon, Waigong asked me, "Ace shit is it? I can smell something smelly..."
I put my fingers into the waistband of the daipers and took a quick peek.. "Don't have leh..." I told him.. but I also smelt something smelly... so I put my fingers into the pants hole and pull them open to peep..but I still cannot see anything...

About an hour later, Laoma asked me, "Joo, is he shitting?"
Ace had his face all scrunched up. So I asked him if he was shitting and asked him to Jia You.. and then I demonstrate to him how to squeeze it all out by saying, "Mmmmm..." with my face scrunched up....
He concentrated and did it a few times and after a while, he started to say, "mmm..." in a sing song manner as if he was imitating me instead of really shitting..
When i opened up his diapers, i noticed that he had a HUGE pile of shit! And it was all green, leafy VEGETABLES! hahhahhahhaa....
Heng Ace is a vegeterian like ME.. dunno whether he will shit DUCK or shit CHICKEN if he eat meat or not.. hahahhahaha....
PS: For pple who want to order Fibre Plus or want to find out more.. email me at verityy@yahoo.com.
Check: http://verityy.blogspot.com/2006/02/vote-for-ace.html for details
Ace current votes: 43 (click on the number to see latest updates)
Top Baby has 195 votes currently...
Ace current placing: 12/101
Countdown: 18 more days to go...
y mask the most beautiful part??..:p hahaha
wah lau... Aunty Ming is really psychotic.. hahahhaa... even more psychotic than Ah yee... hahahaha.....
He big boy now mah.. shy mah ;)
LOL rolling shit! That's a great blog entry and I really laughed my heart out. "Mmmmmmmm" your kid is so adorable!
Andy drew my attention to your blog as we both share something common: Both our blogs feature the pink Cheer Bear! I am also garnering for votes too. Perhaps we should both help each other out!
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