Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ace Signs Successfully!

As you already know, I have been teaching Ace some sign language for a while.. but he would do the signs now and then.. or when he is being shown some reward (EG, Milk, Food..)

Never have I seen him do the sign on his own to indicate something.

But today, finally I confirm that he truly understands the signs that I am teaching him!

Today, I left Ace with Waipo and was out the whole day.... Thus since this morn 10am, Ace did not have any milk at all.. all the way till 10pm at night... He was just fed his usual porridge for lunch and dinner and the rest of the time, he was just happily sleeping away...

When Ah Yee asked him if he wanted milk, he just put his head against Ah Yee's breasts.... so Waipo went to make him milk.. and when the milk was made and Waipo took the milk out and put it in front of him, Ace started to clap his hands the do the sign for milk! :)

So clever right???!!!

I love my clever son!!! ;) *muaks*

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