Saturday, August 12, 2006

Here we go round the mulberry bush!

Ace is willing to walk more now. But he only walks with support.

The other day, Richie Ah Ye put him on the suntec office long sofa. He started by crawling from the left end to the right end (that distance is about 3 metres long) and then back again.. he crawled a few times and decided that he is tired. Then he flapped himself flat on the sofa, put his head down and lie there and rest.

When he is rested enough, he climbed down from the sofa and started walking from left to right by holding on to the sofa. When he is tired, he just sat down.

Then that day at home, my mum put him on the floor and told him,"See Waipo walking? Yanfeng also walk?" and she demo to him how to walk around his playpen.

And so he started going round and round and round and round and round and round the playpen and he wouldn't stop. WHen he was finally tired, he walked towards Max (who was sitting nearby) and so we clapped hard for him.

He was really encouraged and clapped along with the I-know-i-am-so-clever look. And then he went back to walking round the playpen again, paused and clapped as if giving us a cue to clap. If we do not do anything, he will give the "I very clever leh, why you never clap" look.

Anyway, he has at least taken to pushing the white IKEA stools around the house while walking. I guess it will not be long before he is ready to walk on his own.

PS: Today is RIchie Ah Ye's birthday. Happy birthday richie ah ye!

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