Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Am Army

Ace is a really funny kid and he is really getting creative in his play as well :)

The other day, we went to Popo's house for lunch and she said that when Ace was there on wednesday, he happily played by himself for a good 30min with this net tat can be set up as a goal post. It was a present from Ganma Megan and dunno why or how, he learnt that a soldier would put a net over themselves... and so he kept putting the net around himself and tell people, "I am the army soldier" and march around using a pole as his rifle... so farnee...

And then leh, yet another day, we bought one more policeman set for him and the packaging of it came in the form of a shirt and so he thought of an idea of asking me put a string through it so that he can 'wear' the policeman uniform! Amazing!

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