Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ace's Summer Report

Well, almost the end of the school year... can you believe it? We have been here in dubai for close to a year...  time flies.. while I still miss home like crazy, it has been an interesting year indeed...

Anyway, Ace got his report card already... He is lucky lor.. no exams, no test and no homework for the whole year so far...  I found out by chance while googling for something else that his school implemented the NO HOMEWORK POLICY end of 2010... cos there was a report they came across about how homework is actually NOT helpful at all to children at this age! If not, apparently according to the forum which is filled with parents debating over whether this is good or bad, in dubai, most schools have mountains of homework (like the schools in Singapore!)

Maybe hor, I should ask for a copy of the study tat talks about how homework is detrimental to learning (According to a report in Time Magazine, kids in high school who do 60-90 minutes of homework score better but any more than tat.. they score less:)) and send it to our Minister of Education in Singapore.. wahahaha:)

Here in Dubai, most children go to bed at 7pm or 7.30pm because they have to wake early at like 5 or 6am to get ready for school and often, their school ends late and by the time they reach home, it would be 3 or 4pm in the afternoon... they eat a little something, rest, bath, play a little and it is time to have dinner.. after dinner, time to sleep! where got time for homework.. so I am really glad Ace is in a school with a no homework policy... Hooray for no homework policies!:)

Even though the hours in Singapore are shorter, I dun think it means their life is much better since most parents I talk to seem to have children with tonnes of homework to do and it seems from the point their children go to pri school to the point where they children are capable of self study.. most parents work like 10 hours a day and OT somemore as tuition teachers at home... How unpleasant to spend the end of a tiring day not reading stories together or chatting or playing games together but to sit down and have the mum and/or dad drill/nag/scold the children about doing homework...

Anyway, here is Ace's report from his teachers.. (In blue)

Name: Ace Chua
Class: 2F

Personal Social Health Education/Citzenship/Relationships
Ace is a pleasant child who has enjoyed many aspects of his work this year and approaches tasks with an enthusiastic manner. He is able to work independently on directed tasks as well as working as part of a group.When conferencing with him, Ace is able to say what he feels he is good at and what he needs tow work on to improve. Ace is always keen to share his thoughts an ideas when we have class discussions.
1-well above year group expectations, 
2- above year group expectations, 
3- within year group expectations
4- almost at year group expectations
5- working towards year group expectations
  • Relationships: 3-Responds constructively to requests from others
  • Relationships: 3-Participates as a member of a group in project work
  • Relationships: 3-Responds to others in a socially acceptable way
  • Relationships: 3-Relates to most children and known adults
  • Perseverance: 2-Engages in the task and completes it satisfactory
  • Perseverance: 2-Knows when to ask for help
  • Perseverance: 2- Evaluates some aspects of work
  • Perseverance: 3-Identifies Challenges in tasks set
  • Perseverance: 3-Responds appropriately with some prompting
  • Perseverance: 3- Completes the Task
  • Attitudes to Learning: 1- Enjoys and participates in class and group activities.
  • Attitudes to Learning: 2- Participates well in class on most occasions
  • Attitudes to Learning: 2- Can be self motivated
  • Attitudes to Learning: 3- Contributes positively when the learning activities are of interest
  • Attitudes to Learning: 3- Asks questions for clarification or reassurance
  • Self Esteem: 2- Participates in team games irrespective of ability
  • Self Esteem: 2- Participates in public performances
  • Self Esteem: 2- Is willing to embrace new ideas
  • Self Esteem: 3- Willingness to speak publicly
  • Self Esteem: 2-Acknowledges difference of opinions without confrontation
I guess you can say Ace is a slightly better than average student with a good attitude for learning:) Considering that he is he youngest in his class and he doesnt do any homework except "work hard in school" (in his own words),  I think that is pretty decent result:)

Communication, Language and Literacy
Ace is making pleasing progress with his reading. he can make good predictions about what will happen in a story and has a good understanding of what he has read. he is happy to read out loud and is now starting to use the punctuation to help him be an expressive reader. In writing, Ace can produce a well structured sequence of events. he is beginning to use more adjectives and as he continues to use different connectives, he will be able to make some sentences more complex. Ace is a very able speller and works  well on new spelling rules in class and applies them to his writing. Ace contributes well during group discussions. he thoroughly enjoys drama based activity and performing for the class.

As I have been reading with Ace almost on a daily basis.. I am aware of his spelling ability and reading ability. I guess it is no surprises that Ace likes to perform for other people.. I really think he can consider a career as an artiste of some sort.. wahahaha:) 

Application of Math Skills
Ace approaches number based activities with enthusiasm. He is confident with number bonds to 10 and uses his knowledge to help with number bonds to 20 and multiples of 100. Ace is growing in confidence with his two and ten times table and is working to build speed with his five times table. He is developing an understanding of the related division facts for these. Ace is able to add and subtract double digit numbers using a number line and his next step is to use his knowledge to do this mentally. he can identify key words in a problem and generally knows the operation that needs to be used. he is developing his understanding of telling the time using analogue and digital clocks an will continue to build on this. Ace has worked hard on his numeracy passport targets this year and enjoys competing in our Champing Alley game.

I think Ace is always a little slower when it comes to numbers. We have been working for the multiples of 5, 10 and 2 for the whole year and even though I think that his improvement is slow.. he is making improvement..

Thinking Skills and Application
Ace is developing his problem solving skills in many areas. When planning experiments, involving circuits, he was able to predict what would happen and make a circuit to light a bulb when given various pieces of equipment. Ace demonstrates good reasoning skills during art. He is always confident in explaining why he has decided to do a project in a particular way or use the resources he has. When building using construction materials, he is confident in his ideas and can come up with alternatives if something does not go to plan. Ace also enjoys making his own games and props to share with his peers. Ace has been developing his creative thinking this year and is beginning to use his imagination well in story writing to create his own character. Ace enjoys drawing and art based activities and often chooses during freeflow. He has excellent art skills and works very carefully, adding in extra details to make his work more creative. During our Space topic, Ace really enjoyed planning, designing and creating his own 3D space scene.

I think Ace has got some improvement. In the last meet the teachers session, his teacher told me that he is not very good in investigative science and needs more help when it comes to experiments.. i think he is finally getting a hang of how experiments should be like. But as he is usually resourceful, I am not worried about this... Ace has always had very strong ideas about the art he creates and how and why he wants to create it. He is a really lovely, creative little boy... and he is the reason why my house is filled with pieces of paper.. drawings, origami.. "toys" he made from recycled boxes and sticks...  But I guess it is a cheap form of entertainment.. hehe:)

Information Processing and Enquiry
During the Space topic, Ace demonstrated good research skills when he created a fact book after collecting information from books and the internet about the planets. He enjoys non fiction texts and can discuss findings with his group.

ICT(Computer Skillls)
Ace is making progress in ICT and has become more confident using the technology this term. he has had the opportunity to use drawing packages to creae text and add graphics and enjoyed learning how to program Beebot and Probot.

Yes, I noticed that nowadays, most of the books that Ace borrows from the library are fiction books.. rather than non fiction books.. he is very intrigued to find out how things work and his current favourite series is this series of books called Horrible Science and Horrible History which presents facts in a very interesting way:)

Physical Development
Ace has developed his fine motor skills this year using pencils, crayons and scissors. He has been experimenting with cursive handwriting and must now ensure his writing stays consistently in a neat and regular size. Ace understands that your body needs exercise, water, sleep and food to stay healthy.

Wah, I only started to write cursive when I was 9.. I am impressed they are trying to teach them that and teaching them how to read cursive writing at the tender age of 7.

Targets For Future Success
  • Read a variety of books including fiction, non fiction, poetry, chapter books and books by different authors.
  • Include more adjectives and similies when writing.
  • Continue to learn by heart the 2, 5, 10 timestable
Assesement Results:

So it sees that Ace is already at Year 3 required level for reading and comprehension and moving towards it in other areas.. pretty good for a Year 2 already I think:)

Class Teacher Personal Statement
Ace has made excellent progress this year and has worked well with his peers. he has really impressed me with some lovely pieces of art work and models. Ace is a popular, helpful member of the class and he should be proud of his achievements. Heis ready smile and laugh always make my day. He has been a joy to teach. Keep working hard, Ace and well done!

1-well above year group expectations, 
2- above year group expectations, 
3- within year group expectations
4- almost at year group expectations
5- working towards year group expectations
Thinking and Learning Through PE
Agility and Balance: 4
Strength and Cardiovascular level: 4
Spatial Awareness: 3
Physical Intergration Skills:3
Swimming Technique: 4
Power and Stamina: 3
Water Safety: 4

Effort, Attitude and Sportsmanship:
Ace just loves his PE lessons. he has a good attitude but often needs reminding  to keep on the task. He shows flexibility in gymnastics but he is still a little wobbly during balance and he is working on perfecting his forward roll. He can dribble a basketball and is developing his football andb atching skills. Ace;s swimming has improved steadily and he shows good commitment. At times,  he still needs encouragement to complete tasks during the swimming lessons.

I guess you can say my son is NOT SPORTY.. LIKE ME! Hahahaha... I guess Max has to take a more proactive role in getting Ace to work out.. or maybe when we are back in sgp, I will bring Ace jogging or walking or swimming...

Thinking and Learning Through Music
Demonstrates tonal development through singing: 3
Demonstrates rhythm development through movement and chanting: 3
Demonstrates proper technique on instruments: 3

Effort and Attitude on Music
Ace enjoys music and participates well. His aural skills have progressed this year. He can maintain a steady sense of time whilst working with rhythm patterns. He can display a sense of tonal centre when singing in a group. Given continued work, he should be able to do this independently as well. He played well during our African drumming sessions.

All in all,  I am pretty pleased that Ace is doing pretty well and most importantly, I think he is very happy in school:)

Anyway, I just heard a report tat says children should continue learning during the summer holidays.. think have to plan wat to teach him when we go back to Singapore.. hehehe..

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