Thursday, April 03, 2014

April's Fool

Ace was very excited about April's Fool Day and kept wanting to think of a joke to trick his teacher. He contemplated buying a whoopee cushion just for that... (A whoopee cushion is a cushion you hid in the chair and when people sit on it, it will give out a farting sound..)

Alas, by the time he left for school, he still had no concrete idea of what he is going to do...

When I went to fetch him that day, he told me that they tricked their classmates that day.

When the teacher was away, he and his classmate went up to the white board and erased away the number 1 and then replaced that with the number 24 so that the date on the white board showed 24 April instead of 1 April:) hahahaha...

And he said some of his classmates were so blur, they actually just copied the wrong date down without realizing till the joke was revealed later when the teacher was away and they changed the number back:) haha...

Good one!:)

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