Friday, June 09, 2006

Cassanova Ace 2

So where did Ace learn tat from???? ;)

Well, initially I did think that Ace learnt that from Daddy... cos well... if i were to tell you a little bit more about me and Daddy's first date, you would understand...

You see.. me and Daddy were match made by Godma Karen... who happens to be my bestest fren and Daddy's long time fren... one day, while Daddy was still studying in UK, Karen just called me one day and asked if i minded tat she passed my email to another fren of hers...

She called me at 12 midnite just to tell me that this guy is cute.. he is nice, he is great and that all their parents loved him.... and even forbid me to have boyfren and insisted that I should wait until he comes back from UK...

So.. tat's how me and Daddy met.. after Karen gave us our respective emails... we started talking cock over email.. kind of talked about getting together.. but we always stopped short and decided that we should meet in real life when he comes back before we decide whether or not to be together cos the net personality we know may not be the same as the real person right?

Anyway, it goes that on the day that Daddy came back, he actually kept it as a surprised and just called me when he is back to meet me at Bedok Reserviour... hahaha...

When I met him.. he gave me a sunglass that is sealed with tissue as a makeshift blindfold, held my hand and brought me to a special place to show me the surprise presents that he has bought for me... within the same night, he also kissed me and hugged me.. just like Ace did.. hahahahahhaa.. all when we had just met! :) (How we went steady.. is another story.. hahaha)

But you see.. all that happened way before Ace was even concieved leh...

Then I thought maybe it is cos Ace always sees me holding Daddy's hand, kissing Daddy and all that...

And when I described the story to Jez Ah ma, she told me tat Ace may have learnt it from her daughters, Oracle and Tashi! Cos the two lovable girls will always come to Ace and blow him kisses and hug her whenever they see him. That is why he associates greeting other children with kisses and hugs.. hahahah ;)

But then again, he was not tat excited when he was playing with Denzel or Zhiyuan... well, maybe it's just the universal law that Opposites Attract?? :)

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