Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ace Ride Bike

Ace has come a long way since.

From not daring to even sit inside these electric toy cars.. to being able to sit inside it as long as it does not move...

To daring to sit in it and daring to allow it to move and to now, he is actually able to STAND HANDS FREE on the electric motor bike! hahaha

Anyway, there is one at the interchange near where we live so every now and then we would bring him there and let him take a ride. It's $3 for about 10-15 min ride.

The first time we were there though, there was a nasty little boy who kept purposely trying to bang Ace. The very evil Max whispered into Ace's ears and asked him to bang the boy back and Ace was so excited to chase after his 'target' and so happy when he finally hit him ;) hahaha...

Anyway, I am glad Ace is getting to be a bit more daring nowadays ;)

Previous Post: Bubble Balloon

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