Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't Be So Kan Cheong Lah

Ace has a new 口头禅-- "Don't be so kan cheong lah..."

Some time ago, I already noticed him saying this.. and I asked Max, "Ace knows what is the meaning of 'kan cheong' meh?"

He says that Ace seems to use it in the right context most of the time and so we left it at that.. but recently he has been using this phrase very often.

When we pretend play and I pretend to order something that his Pizza Shop does not sell, I asked him, "Oh dear, you don't sell that right? Now how?"

And then he said, "Don't be so kan cheong lah..."

When i am urging him to do something quickly, he tells me, "Don't be so kan cheong lah..."

So it does seem like he understands the context very well...

Max made me so mad the other day and in a moment of anger, I shouted loudly at Max in front of Ace. Ace was stunned for a moment, paused, then told me, "Don't be so loud lah. Don't be so kan cheong lah..."


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