Sunday, August 10, 2014

Who Does Ace Look LIke More?

The other day, Shushu was packing the house and found some photos of Max when he was much younger.. and so, he took a photo and whatsapped us.. hahhaha

And then I put it together with Ace's photo to show how alike father and son are.. :) Check out that same smile.. wahahahahaha...

But someone mentioned that Max also looked a little like the MAD Magazine character as well...

Anyway, we showed Yeye the photo and he said, "But I think Ace is more handsome lah.."

And that is but of course!:) Because Ace has an added extra...that extra is "ME!" Wahahahaha...

And then we started to have a debate of.. who does Ace look like more?

Max says Ace looks like me.. and said maybe I can put the same hairstyle on all the photos and do a comparison..

So now... who does Ace look like more?:P Wahahahaha

Previous Post: Furniture Shopping!

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