Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Will babies miss their parents?

Well, now that the saga about Ace and his polka dots are over, I can blog in peace about happier and funnier stuff.

Anyway, in case you wonder if babies know how to miss their parents, the answer is: they do.

According to my sister, she says that Ace had the unhappy look even before the Hives hit him. “So we tried to play the elephant toy with music for him over and over again.. we played it so much the whole weekend I had the music in my mind..”

“So did it help make him happy?” I asked.

“No leh.. but at least he didn’t look as unhappy… at least he tried to wave to the music...”

Indeed, these few days, Ace has got this expression where he scrunges his mouth into an M shape and look slightly unhappy.

Today is the first day in many where he smiles more and plays with me non stop for an hour or so… Max says tat’s his way of revenge.. we were away for 3 days, so he purposely make us worried for 3 days…

Sigh… even though I was having fun, I also miss him leh.. I saw his cute little face everywhere I go and every direction I turned and on the first night in HK, I missed him so much that I dreamt that he was crying and woke up. I wondered then if he was really crying and it was telepathy or his way of sending a message to me.

But I am proud that I am not so sticky to my baby that I had to call home once every 30min like a fren I know. Hahahah….

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