Sunday, November 23, 2008

You Fold Your Clothes, I Fold Mine

Ace can finally help out with housework and do his won stuff!

He can now change in and out of his own clothes, put on his own shoes...

If you give him a magic clean mop, he even TRIES to clean the house a little...

Give him a rag and he tries to help with cleaning the table...

And the best part is that is able to help fold his own clothes after I wash them..

My only complain is that Ace changes in and out of his clothes too often.

If he is too warm, he wants to change into his sleeveless tops.. if his shirt is wet, he wants to change.. if he bathes, he wants to change.. if he is going out.. even just to go downstairs to buy something, he wants to change...
Luckily he helps to fold his clothes, if not, I think just washing and folding his clothes will make me super duper busy!
Previous Post: Shake Your Bom Bom

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