The other day, Karen ganma sent me an sms when she was in China. It went along the lines of telling me that she misses Ace and that she has already bought Ace's xmas present and so I related the message to Ace.
"Ganma buy me present?" Ace asked me when I read the sms to him.
"Yes," I told him and added that Ganma is in China now and that he will have to wait for Ganma to come back before he can get his present.
"Where is ganma Karen?" He will ask me. "Ganma come back, wait ganma come back give me present?" he would ask me. And then for the next few days, he kept asking me these two questions repeatedly.
Sometimes after asking about Ganma Karen, he would ask me, "Where is Ganma Seokling?" And then he will also ask me if Ganma seokling bought him a present....
After that, he will ask me where is his Ganma Evon and whether she bought him a present.
One day, out of the blue, he asked me this, "Mummy, why ganma buy me present? Is it because ganma love me?"
"Yes," i told him with a smile. "Ganma loves you very much so she buys you presents."
Anyway, I think his godmas really spoil him. He always gets alots of presents from them lor.
Ganma Karen will always buy him presents when she goes overseas and she travels very often for work. To date, she has bought a number of shirts, t-shirts, cups, thomas the train table mat, books, flashcards for Ace.
Ganma Seokling also buys lots of story books and toys (play doh, mini PC, stack it cups, blocks, toy telephone), lunch boxes for Ace whenever she comes back to visit because she is working overseas.
Ganma Evon has also bought him few pieces of clothing and many many many toys (Liverpool ball, shape sorter, musical piano, etc) whenever she comes and visit.
Anyway, he stopped asking me for a while and the other day, out of nowhere, he asked me. "Mummy, my school has christmas party, you want to come?"
I asked him if I would get a present if I went and then he started asking me, "Ganma come christmas party? Ganma buy me present?"
And then I asked him if he missed Karen and wanted to talk to her and he nodded his head and so I called Karen and let them talk abit. "Where are you, Ace?" Karen asked him. "I am here," he told her.
Wah, very good lor.. this kind of answer also can.. hahaha...
And then I took over the phone and Karen says she is very happy that Ace remembers her and is so appreciative of her presents. "This motivates me to buy him more presents!"
Like I always say, Ace is an abundant kid lah. People just like to give to him freely. I think he is very blessed and good at the gift of receiving :) Even I think I should learn from him. Most importantly, he is also very good at giving and is very often willing to share his toys and his food...
PS: It is STILL NOT xmas yet so Ace hasn't received his xmas pressie from Ganma Karen. It is amazing how his little mind knows exactly what to do to get it faster... the other day out of nowhere, Ace asked me why Ganma never visit him. I think he thinks that if she visits him, he will get his presents.
He then proceeded to request that I call Ganma Karen on his behalf. Once the line gets through, he starts to use super persuasion to get Ganma Karen to visit him.
Note hor, this little boy never ask for his presents outright.. he does it the round about way...
"Hello, Ganma... this is Ace.... Can you come and visit me? Do you want and visit me? My house got chocolate donuts. You want to eat chocolate donuts?"
After he puts down the phone then he ask me, "Ganma visit me, ganma buy me presents? Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!" Hahaha.. I buay tahan man!
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