This monday morning was one such morning and while getting him to sit up to put on his shirt after his bath, I pulled him up by gripping on his arm.. not his wrists.. but his arm.. and very gently too..
Suddenly, his mouth started to go into an M shape and he started to cry... "My hand pain pain.. my hand pain pain.. " he repeated and started to cry and make a big fuss. I kissed his hand and asked him to put on his shirt but he kept saying that his hand was very painful and that he could not put his arm into his shirt's armhole..
And then just when he quieten down and thought that enough is enough, his dad came home with breakfast and he went to do a round two of "My hand pain pain.. my hand pain pain.. " to his dad. And afterward, he kept saying his hand was painful and kept crying and kept acting like his arm was a totally useless arm...
Just to entertain him and make him shut up, his dad massaged his arm and blew him kisses. "Where is the pain?" I asked him and I noticed he kept pointing to different places on his arm... not only was it not consistent, the points he pointed to were really quite far apart....
Also, when you teased him abit, he seemed to have no problem playing with you with the other arm...
"Can i have a plaster?" He asked. Me and daddy smiled knowingly to each other and took out a plaster and pasted on his arm. "Do you feel better now?" I asked him. "Yes..."
Pls lor.. where got plaster make arm sprain feel better one lor!? Think his mummy stupid or wat...
So I let him be and I fed him some breakfast and sat down to watch Sesame Street together with him...
After a while when I sensed he was in better mood, I told him. "Ace, I know that you did not hurt your hand. I know that it is not painful at all. But I went along with you because I wanted to see what you will do. Remember, Mummy always knows when you are not telling the truth... firstly, I want to tell you that whether your hand is painful or not, I will love you. I will also play with you and pay attention to you even if your hand is well. You just need to ask me..."
"Secondly, if you tell me your hand is painful but it is not, that means you are not honest. Mummy don't like it when you lie. I like it when you are a honest boy because it is important to be truthful and honest about things even when it is not so easy to do so..."
"I also do not like it when you throw a tantrum and keep crying. I like it when Ace is a happy boy. If you are sad or hurt, it is ok to cry. It is NOT ok to cry when you are just trying to get attention. All you need to do is to tell us and we will give you all the attention and love you want... ok? Can you don't do it again?"
He kept quiet and hooked my finger as a promise not to do it again...
"So remember your promise ok?" And all of a sudden, while he had been sullenly watching sesame street with his hand on the 'hurt arm', he suddenly used his usual happy voice and asked me lots of questions about the characters in sesame street.. as if to change topic...
Hai, 人小鬼大....
Post Script: His teacher called at around 3pm in the afternoon and said that he kept complaining that his hand is painful. It is not painful when they press his hand but if they turn it, he winces but does not cry. Says he is a brave boy but we better bring him to a doctor.. Dr Chua AKA Max brought him home early and I think he really sprained it. Cos it is a little bit swollen.
1 comment:
oh the classic M shaped mouth... so now he is not lying already lor... how did he sprain his wrist?? what happened?? now ok already??
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