Singapore's Most Beautiful Mom-To-Be 2005 shares her little ups and downs in her journey through parenthood...
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Max Gets His Head Chopped Off!!!
I read online that there will be magicians performing in Mirdiff City Center in line with their xmas promotions... so one weekend, while we were free, we made a trip down to watch the magicians perform.. the two magicians are arabic magicians, Gino an Costa.. I think Gino is sort of like the Chris Angel in the arabic world as he has his own magic show on street magic here in this part of the world..
Anyway, for the first half hour, Costa the magician was up first... He was more of a hit with the kids as his brand of magic is more humour.. and his magic tricks were sort of easy to guess how to do (after we hav watched many episodes of breaking the magician's code).. hahahaha..
The magician was looking for people to help him with his tricks.. first time he picked Max, Max act blur and purposely ignore him... but second time he called Max again.. max gamely went up the stage.. Max has this sort of look.. always go where also kenna call up the stage to do things one.. I guess he has the "I am fun and game for anything" sort of look.. hahaha
Costa asked Max where is he from and Max said "Singapore.." and the world very small lor.. our frens who were also in the mall heard this word and got interested to look at the stage.. see the botak head look very familiar from far and came closer to take a look.. wahahhaa...
First he got Max to help him with some sort of card trick... (Here is a video of how it worked)
Then came the HEAD CHOPPING ONE:)
Gino told Max he is going to chop off his head:)
I asked Max what he was thinking when he was there and he said he was also slightly afraid that the trick might fail and he might be hurt.. but then I know if the trick is not safe, they wun ask LIVE audience to do one lah... Ace, however was dam kan cheong, thinking his dad is going to lose his head.. from sitting down, he stood up and looked anxiously at the stage...
This is how the trick went..
When the trick ended, Max heaved a sigh of relieve and Costa said he will make something for Max's son to thank him:)
Despite Ace wanting a dinosaur.. Costa only knew how to make dog.. wahahaha:)
So our frens came up to us and said Hello after tat:)
Then after hanging around abit, we realized that Gino was coming up next.. he is more like Liu Qian.. his magic is very grand music type one... first trick is the unimpressive "let the table fly" trick....
Then it built up to a slightly more interesting one where they would cover his assistant in a curtain and everytime they lifted their curtain down after 3o seconds, she would be in a different outfit!
The highlight had to be this.... He got a random member of the audience, hypnothized her and made her float in the air! I cannot figure out how this is done man.. but anyway, this is my favourtie trick.... and here is a video of how the trick went...
This is part two... and the girl just wakes up and din know wat happened!
The next trick is the magician getting an audience who wears a coat.. he gets him to tie up his beautiful assistance in all sorts of crissed crossed tricky knots.. double knot somemore... Then after tying many knots and you are sure she cannot escape right.. they raise the curtain for a minute or so with the man with coat standing in front of her and tadah, now they are still in the same position but the girl has the coat underneath her knots!!!
Aint it amazing?
Anyway, after the care of losing his dad.... Ace claimed tat his fav trick is the one tat Max almost got his head chopped off... wahahahahaha....
Anyway, we walked around a little bit and decided to go supermarket shopping and head home..
And while walking in the shops, Max bought me a new pair of Klipsh earphones.. HEE :) Excellent noise cancelling... now we will each have a pair of earphones when we take plane together when travelling:)
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