Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Cockroach Of Taiwanese Drama

Today, we went to Popo's house after school and when we near the lift, Ace suddenly gave a shout and pointed on the floor... which gave me quite a fright.

When I got over the fright and took a closer look at what he is pointing to, I saw that it was a overturned cockroach.

"Dead cockroach.. you shout so loud for what?" I asked him.

"It is not dead lor. It is still alive.. see, it is still moving.." said Ace.

When I took a closer look, I realized Ace was right and the cockroach's feelers and legs were moving slightly..

"So is that the cockroach of Taiwanese drama?" Ace asked me..

"Huh?" I was puzzled why cockroaches were linked to Taiwanese drama.

"You know mummy.. the cockroach is like the dying people in Taiwanese drama.. they always want to die and still never die for every long and still move and move and keep talking... and 讲很多废话..."

Hahahaha.. sometimes I really marvel at my son's sense of humour and where he get all his "logic" from :)

Previous Post: I Am Inspired!

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