Tuesday, October 14, 2014

One Good Turn Deserves Another

When Ace was much younger, my sis and her then boyfriend babysitted him often and that is why Ace is very close to his Yee Zhang whom he affectionately calls Net Net..

And few years ago, Max left Singapore for Dubai and for he longest time, Net Net was Ace's replacement dad.. bringing him gai gai every now and then and sometimes playing with him or watching video with him...

So one good turn deserves another right?

The other day, Net Net was bz at work and since Ah Yee says she thinking of bringing C out, we suggested come over our place to swim lah :)

And so that we girls can chat, we gave Max the job of taking care of C since Ace can take care of himself:)

But as usual, Ace was pretty much playing on his own and C was playing with Max...

But when he xian liao, he will go and look for the other two and sit around them for a while..

The loving Yee Zhang ;) Hahahaha...

That is Ace trying to hide from my camera:) wahaha

And then leh, time to go home lor.. cos C's fingers getting wrinkly... so we decided it is time to go home..

We went up first and left Ace and Max to do his mo gui xun lian.. hahahaha... Max says Ace has to swim two rounds around the pool then can go up :)

Previous Post: Lego Master Builder Ace

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