Friday, August 05, 2005

Wonder Panda With Quirky Fashion Sense

This is NOT a fashion statement.

I repeat.

This is NOT a fashion statement.

Sigh… how did it come about? Well, just try breast feeding in the middle of the night for 15-30 min every one or two hours and you will end up with this cris crossed nursing-bra-over-my-blouse look.

These days, I have slowly become a panda like creature. Just the other day, I went to office and someone complimented that I look prettier after birth of my son.

Thanks buddy! The miracle called make up!:)

So how do I survive on 2-3 hour of sleep everyday for 3 consecutive days? All thanks to the miracle called Indinine!

I may look like a stupid panda without my war paint.. but I feel good enough to go out and meet friends, go office and wash diapers, cook and clean the house everyday ok! Even I am impressed with myself.

My sister wrote about taking care of my son for me in her blog ( and hey, I am doing what 4 adults do for one afternoon only… every single day!!!

Hahaha.. feel like wonder woman.. make tat wonder PANDA ;)

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