So we asked for permission to go in for a while but when we were at the door, he didn't wanted to go in and started crying again. "I scared scared..." he told me and I didn't really know what he was scared of.
I went ahead and watch LOTS OF DRAMAs with lots of gore, sad stories and rubbish...
After which when Ace was born, I felt soooooooooooooooooooooo guilty for being a bad mum.
I think when you have children, they don't just inherit your genes but also your hobbies and habits as well...PS: I wrote this like some time ago.. recent developments in Ace's sleep pattern.. he has taken to being grumpy in the morning when we try to wake him. Grumpy initially but he will still in the end break out into laughter after some tickling...
One of our favourite games is "Tickle Mummy/Ace, see whether he will wake up or not.." I played this with him that day and the next two days, he would wake and come to me to tickle me to wake me up.
But the most POWER thing that happened was yesterday, Ace wanted to sleep in and wake up later. I told him he had to wake up to go to school. "Which school are we going?"He asked.
"Kinderland lor." I told him. And then he rolled himself into a ball and told me. "I don't want to go to school..." And when his daddy asked him why, he said, "*cough* I am not feeling well, I cannot go to school because I am sick..."
3.5 years old????????????????????????????????
Previous post: Hungry BoyWhen we were going home, Yeye and Nainai asked him to wear the shoe home but he did not want to. "Don't make dirty..." he said.
In the end, on the next day, he also buay tahan must wear the shoe. So he wore this pair of shoes to his Trio centre. Usually when he goes to his right brain training lessons, he wants ME to help him put on his shoes and take off his shoes for him. But that day, he wanted to do everything himself.. socks included.
Then when Popo brought him home, the whole afternoon, he was just wearing the socks and the shoes, taking it off, wearing the shoes, taking them off, wearing the shoes, taking them off.. you get the idea lah..
So by sunday, when we brought him to Nick and Steff's wedding, he was already well versed in wearing his shoes and managed to put on his shoes in a jiffy:)
Clever boy, Ace!
Previous Post: Kiao Kar
This explains his really violent behaviour and why his lego toys at home are thrown around... sigh... I hope he gets out of this phase FAST!
Previous Post: Why You Follow Me?!