Sunday, January 11, 2009

Training Chopsticks

Ganma Seokling bought a pair of training chopsticks for Ace.

Now, Ace wants to use the chopsticks no matter what he eats. Even when he is eating rice, he wants to use the chopstick and he ends up flinging all the food on the floor and so I have to cleant he floor after every meal.

"Mummy, I want the thomas train chopsticks..." he said to me the other day. What made me most impressed was that when I passed them to him, he told me that they were TRAINING CHOPSTICKS.

He is getting better and better at holding them and I am hoping that it will slowly transform the way he holds chopsticks and pens because he still holds his chopsticks, spoons and pens wrongly.. he basically grabs then with a closed fist and I dunno how he can still manage to write and pick up food to feed himself.

Previous Post: Two Children?

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