The 'Send Love' campaign started when Ace hurt his wrist. Because at that time I just finished attending a POV workshop where my teacher said that the only thing you can do to help a fellow human being really is to just send them love... and love them....
When I was pregnant with Ace, I read extensively about fetal education and stuff like that and one of my favourite authors, Dr Makoto Shichida. In one of his books, he actually talks about how TOUCH can actually heal diseases but I never understood why...
Until I attended POV and my teacher told me this.. that if you put a new born baby into a room with no human contact but with all the milk he needs etc... the baby will die... we are all alive today because we are loved!
Then I understood why touch is so powerful.. because touch is a powerful way to send love...
Anyway, I think Ace must have really felt better when I sent alot of love into his wrist when it was hurt.
So after that, whenever he hurts himself.. "Mummy, can you send love to my leg..."
Whenever he has a tummy ache, "Mummy, send love to my tummy please..."
And then if I hurt myself or complain of any aches.. "Come, Mummy, I send love to you.. " and then he puts his hand over the area and go "bsshhhhhh..."
Sometimes when we see people or animals in pain.. I also remind Ace to send them love..."Pishhhhhh"
Shin Na is a very brave and strong mother with two kids. She was diagnosed with cancer, fought cancer successfully but it recurred. Her health is now so weak that the doctor predicts that she only has 2-3 months left. But still she chooses to go on in life bravely and do the best she can and be the best mother she can.
Shin with her candour and courage inspires me and because of this, she is often in my mind and in my heart even though we have never met each other but merely had a few exchanges online...
Shin with her candour and courage inspires me and because of this, she is often in my mind and in my heart even though we have never met each other but merely had a few exchanges online...
When I read about how she has decided to stop her chemo and go for a quality life for the next 2-3 mths (a very difficult decision to make in my opinion), my heart went all out to her... I think if I were in her shoes, it would be so difficult to make a choice.. and even more difficult to live life to the fullest without hanging on to the fact that I might be leaving soon.. I thought it would be nice if both me and Ace sent him some love...
So I told him about my friend Shin who needs all the love that you can send... I hope she will enjoy such a wonderful and happy life in the next few months and if it true for her to continue life on this planet, she will eventually still find something that will help her. So me and Ace spent a minute sending love to Shin and her children, Toby and Josie.
After that, me and Ace even chanted together for them...
Anyway, if you are reading this, irregardless of what religion you have, pls pray for Shin Na and her children.. and if you dun mind just spending a minute to send love out... pls send some love to Shin and her children. All you need to do is to close your eyes... fill the love in you fill up your heart and send it out to Shin and her children... I bet with you it will make hell of a difference to them (and you too) even if you did not know them...
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