Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Ice Cream and The Thick Face Boy!

As usual, no weekend IS COMPLETE without Ace whining about going to Mirdiff City Centre... cos his two fav stores are there:)

This week we were lucky, we sort of saw the Smurfville thing by chance in Hemley's and we also got to Decathalon and had lots of fun there:) Ace was practicing his muscles again...  maybe some day I should ask him to pose in his swimming trunks lor.. now getting so muscular:)

See, he can support is whole weight with his hands.. I cant do tat!

Anyway, after dinner at the food court, just as we were walking out of the foodcourt, we saw this sign...

But when we walked to the front, there was no other sign tat indicated that there is free ice cream, just a few bored people wearing Algida (Also known as Walls in Singapore) t shirts... But we saw someone walk forward and they just gave out free ice cream... So we also walked forward and got our free ice cream lah...

While we were standing there and eating the ice cream (we were like walking adverts) and then more people starting to walk towards them to get free ice cream..

And then, we realized that there was another flavour available too.. Max commented, "You think we can get to try the other flavour too?"

"Yes of course, if you are thick skinned enough to go forward lah.." I said offhandedly..

To my surprise, he really threw away his wrapper and walked towards the girl to get the new flavour which was equally yummy:) hahahha
Tadah! Our extra ice cream.. But leh, we not so thickskin to get MORE extras.. so we shared this one amongst ourselves:)

Hahaha.. posing for the SMILE machines.. Too bad we cannot find our pics in their FB pages though..

Previous Post: A Smurfing Good Time!

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