Saturday, January 31, 2009
Don't Give Up!
Kevin's reply?
"Two words... TRY AGAIN..."
Somehow, this was a very apt conversation as Max told me about this after I told him about an observation I made about Ace the other day in his right brain training class.
During his lessons, there is this memory game where you have to put the cards back into the right order after looking at the right answer for 10 seconds...
Seems like Ace doesn't really like this... and always, when he puts back the answer, he either wants to put it any way he likes OR he wants to look at the answers of his friends and do the same answers.
Worst still, he is really a sore loser lor... if he does it his own way, and he gets the answers wrong, he throws the cards on the floor in tantrum and says, "I don't want already. I don't want to play already..."
Where got people like tat one?
And then I had to give him a prep talk about trying again if he gets the answers wrong and how we learn from our mistakes and should thus celebrate our mistakes.. "Just learn from it and don't do it again lah... don't have to throw a tantrum what..."
He will nod his head and say OK and next week, he is at it again...
As children are our sub conscious reflections, I also dunno wat to do with him.. I wonder which part of my life am I refusing to try again after failing... which part of my life am I in a tantrum instead of learning from my mistakes... I wonder if I really dunno the answers.. hahaha...
Previous Post: Stop Whining!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Stop Whining!

If you try to reason with him.. he will whine and say, "I want, I want, I want..." and then cry.. I myself felt like slapping him lor.. once or twice a day i lun.... like 8-10 times a day.. taboleh tahan manz!
Max bought some really nice wall stickers to decorate the living room wall... and so Ace said he wanted to paste the stickers. I told him that we would do it tommorrow and he insisted on opening the packaging...
"We open tomorrow when we stick lah..."
"I dun want, I dun want, I want to open..." *whine whine whine*
Out of desperation, I held him next to me, looked into his eyes and asked him, "Ace, do you agree that generally, mummy try to give in to your requests? If you wanted ice cream, we buy.. unless you cough and cannot eat.. if you want to eat chicken rice, we order for you.. you want to go playground, we bring you there..."
He opens his eyes real big and nods and nods and nods.. and I know since I already got all the little YESes, I can go for the closing liaoz (I am a seasoned saleswoman... my top record is $10K worth of sales in a day:))
"Sometimes though, mummy cannot do it your way... not because I don't want to.. but because at that time, really cannot. Like for example, if we open the stickers now, they might get lost and then we wouldn't be able to stick them if we cannot find them.. right?"
"Ok.." and he smiled.
Well, remember how i said children are our subconscious minds? Incidentally, I had a mini argument with Max and it had something to do with doing things "MY WAY"... we had differing views about the biz and after I thought about it, I thought that there was nothing wrong with his way as well.. I dunno why I felt so offended and felt it had to be "my way or the high way"...
On a sidenote, I noticed that Ace will get cranky and whiny usually when he feels we have not spent enough time with him.. as we have been rather bz these two weeks, he usually goes to his grandma's house and dun really get to spend alot of time with us... I feel, it is his way of saying, "Don't spend time with me right? Punish you by whining and make you irritated..." Sigh.. authority conflict at such a tender age??
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ace Gao Zoh Lang

btw, your good nephew had the following conversation with me just now...
A: Why ah yee no come home?
Me: Cos Ah yee in france...
A: I want ah yee take aeroplane..
Me: U mean you want the aeroplane toy that Ah Yee bought for you?
A: No... I want ah yee sit in the plane and the plane fly.. whooooo and then ah yee come home to me...
Me: You miss ah yee ah?
A: Yes...
Me: You miss ah yee more or you miss net net more?
A: I miss net net more..
Me: Why? Is it because net net always bring you out?
A: Yes...
(Ok, I know what you are thinking.. but dun be sad.. the best part comes next... )
Me: What about Ah yee?
(pauses for a while and has the expression of thinking of how to express his thoughts)
A: Erm... I have big big love for ah yee..
Me: What about net net?
A: I have small small love for net net... I got big big love for ah yee.. I also have big big love for you, mummy.. let me give you a BIG BIG hug!
Cool eh?:)
~~~ END OF MSG~~~
Ah Yee said she read out the whole message to Net Net and when he heard that Ace missed him more.. he laughed out very loud... hahaha..
Anyway, their conclusion is that Ace very "GAI ZOG ANG" and indeed.... cos when he came home, he told me, that he loved me, loved daddy... ah yee, netnet, shu shu, diana jie jie, nainai, yeye, gonggong, waipo, laoma, zhenpopo and his friends....
I think he might be able to do my biz really well since he has such great PR skills:P
PS: I asked him the same question a few days later and still he insisted that he missed Netnet more and have BIG BIG LOVE for Ah Yee.. hahahahaha...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Whiney-est CNY
It was a time for ang pows, snacks, new clothes, good food and lots of fun and games with my cousins.
As I grew up, it became not so exciting for me anymore... ang pows, snacks, new clothes are not that a big deal anymore since I started to earn my own keep and could buy and eat anything I wanted anytime of the year... it is made worse by the fact that my relatives like to ask me either when i am getting married or why i have no boyfriend.. (depending on what my status was at that moment).
And then, I got married, set up my own family and it got even LESS exciting cos it means you got to clean up the whole bloody house by yourself.. and you had to GIVE OUT angpows (pay back time for all the ang pows you collected) and worst still when your children are growing up as you had to feed them or make sure they dun run around.. etc...
CNY last year was not so bad since Ace was mobile and all that.. he could take good care of himself and I didn't really have to keep an eye on him. I thought this year would be even better but i was WRONG!
On the first day of Chinese new year.. my very good son woke up from the wrong side of the bed and started WHINING the WHOLE DAY. (actually, he was whining for two days)
Initially he whined about not wanting to brush his teeth, then about what to wear for the day (even though we previously agreed to wear the white shirt and jeans ensemble that NaiNai bought for him...). :"Noooooooooooo.. this is not nice, I dun want to wear this!" he insisted and started to cry and whine... and finally quieten down when he picked out a nice new orange shirt to wear...
And then he started whining about how he did not want to put on his new shoes because he wanted to wear the old black shoes... and then he started whining when he was told he cannot have too many biscuits... whining when he did not get to eat his favourite chicken rice... whining if he did not get a chance to play at the playground, whining because he wanted to play for 5 more min there.. whining cos someone hit him while playing with him..
It sure was irritating like hell!
To make it worse, he took lots of sweet stuff (which is known to make children's temper even worse) and did not get his normal 2 hour naps in the middle of the day... so he got really cranky..
After two days of none stop whining, I had a talk with him in the car... "Ace, can you tell us properly what you want? Sometimes some things cannot go your way... we try to accomodate your request as far as possible but in life, not all things will go your way... but when you whine and whine and whine and cry and cry, you make it a very unpleasant experience for both me and daddy.. i am sure it was an unpleasant experience for you as well. You see, if you don't whine so much, we could spend more time being happy.. instead of using the time to pacify you and scold you.. I could be spending time instead having fun with you and hugging you... you know I love you no matter what.. even if you did not whine, I would still hug you and kiss you...."
Let's hope he gets better now he gets back into school...
Anyway, just to be fair, Ace was a good boy in other aspects as well. Instead of drinking green tea or soft drinks, he followed our instructions and drank from his water bottle mostly. He shared his food with Yeye and he learnt to put on his new shoes on day two. (Just FYI, while he kept insisting that the white shirt and jeans were not nice in day one.. he said in day two, "this shirt is sooooooooo nice!") He also did not cry much when he fell and hurt himself... very brave boy indeed!
Anyway, here are our CNY photos:
As Ace says to everyone:
Previous Post: I Want, I Want...
Monday, January 26, 2009
I Want, I Want...
But leh, you see, all these are but habits lah.
Once he goes over and stays at Popo's house for 4 consecutive nights, he develops the old milk habit again.. cos my parents they are all very 'zi dong' one.. they will just make milk for him without him needing to request for it... so after 4 nights of drinking milk, he came home the other day and threw a tantrum before he was due to go to bed...
"I want... I want... erm.. erm.." For 10 min, he used his "BEST" whiney voice and repeated that phrase... and it seems like because he hasn't been drinking milk or using that word for about a week.. he has forgotten wat it is called!
After about 10 min, then he remembered tat the word is MILK. "I want milk..." and so I went to make for him lor...
Previous Post: Chanting Ace
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Chanting Ace
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Ace Speaks Japanese! ;)
I love it when he tries to speak Chinese and/or japanese.. he just sounds soooooooooooooooooooo cute!
FYI, Ace's favourite preschool shows "Tao Shu and Friends" (a kids' edutainment mixed-media> show) is currently airing every Sunday on MediaCorp Channel 8 at 8.30am. Yeap, it is that show that Ace always proudly tells people is his"ganma's show". The show started broadcasting on the 25th of Jan 2009, so this 13 eps> series will last till March. If you are free, you can watch it.. it is really quite educational and has taught Ace lots of good habits, concepts and morals.
The other info drama is "Mindy Lost & Found 2 - Nature Footprints is also on Mediacorp Channel 8 at 9:00 am every Sat.This drama started broadcasting last Sunday morning at 9am. This drama is on the green and nature places in Singapore and we encourages kids to conserve the environment and be more aware of pollution and importance of recycling. This is more for older kids (above 8). Please help spread the word to your Singaporean friends and relatives!
Previous Post: Humph!
Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sharing Kid
She says that when I was younger, no matter what good things I had, I always wanted to keep it for myself.
My younger sister, on the contrary, will see good things and want to keep it for when she can share with me or will want to take one more piece of it so that I can have one too. She always thinks of her Jie Jie...
But I guess I grew up to become quite a nice sister lah... one who makes effort to share her joys and woes and one who buys her a diamond pendant on her 21st birthday:)
I am glad though, that Ace takes after my sister in this respect.
The other time when Ah Yee promised to buy him a toy aeroplane as a present, he asked him if she could also buy a present for mummy...
Just earlier on, Ace came home and my sister was online. She wanted to do a video chat with him to show him the aeroplane that she bought for him as promised. So after he saw his aeroplane, he told his Ah Yee, "Ah Yee, can you buy one more small small aeroplane for mummy? Can or not? Can or not?"
My heart felt so warm when I heard that...
Previous Post: World War III
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
World War III
Most importantly, with toddlers in the house, no matter how neat you pack, it will get messy soon anyway.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Why so many meetings?
When Daddy went to pick Ace up, Ace took the parking coupons and told Daddy, "I want to park at my house...."
So the very sheepish Daddy told Ace, "Erm.. today we are going to Popo's house..."
"Why we go popo's house?"
"Erm.. because I have a meeting..."
"Mummy go popo house?"
"No, Mummy also has a meeting..."
Ace paused for a while and asked his dad, "Why so many meetings?"
Max didn't know how to answer him...
Anyway, he usually kicks up a big fuss when we sent him to Popo's house. The ending is that he went to Popo's house happily.... WHY? Because this mummy is smart lah. I already knew in advance this month would be a little bit more bz so I already told him a few days ago I will need his help to play by himself when I am working from home and to enjoy himself in Popo's house when I need to go out for meetings.
But I really do think that it is getting more fun to talk to him as we are starting to have meaningful and interesting conversations with him....
Previous Post: Ace Can Write His Name
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ace Can Write His Name

Sunday, January 18, 2009
This is a HEART

PS: Talking about love, check out me and Max's love story and vote a 5 HEART voting for us!

Previous Post: The Greatest Love of All
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Greatest Love of All
The father who, despite having a heart condition, says "Yes".
They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons. The father always saying "Yes" to his son's request of going through the race together.
One day, the son asked his fater, "Dad, let's join the Ironman together."To which, his father said "Yes".
For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island.
Father and son went on to complete the race together!
This video of Team Hoyt (Dick and Ricky Hoyt) really brought tears to me and max's eyes... (I swear the two women sitting beside me when I was watching the video were tearing too)
I am so touched at the father's love for the son... and I am reminded of how great a parent's love can be... I am also very touched at the son's refusal to think within limits.. you would think a kid born with cerebal palsly would never think he would be every to complete a marathon, much less an IRONMAN race....
I am not sure how much of it Ace will understand but I showed it to him anyway. Then he asked me, "Why he not running?"
"Because he is sick... but he dreams big and wants to take part in a running contest and even though his Daddy is also sick, his daddy still runs together with him.... do you know why the daddy do that, because he loves his son very much.... and this is how much daddy and mummy love you... always remember that...."
"And also, remember to dream big... people who live beyond their limitations will always live extraordinary lives..."
He nodded and continued to watch the video...
Here is the portion where some sentimental music like HERO comes on and we both have tears in our eyes right? WRONG!
And then comes the anti climax where Ace asks me, "Why he is sick?" "Why he is sick and he running?" "Why his daddy running?" "Why his daddy love him?"
Previous Post: Orh Pi Sai
Friday, January 16, 2009
Orh Pi Sai
So whenever he puts his hand in, I will scold him. Then he will tell me, "Got pi sai..." So I will offer to clean for him and I will use tissue to clean for him. Usually his "black gold" are really large.. like the size of half a tic tac sweet.. so there is really something inside and because I also dun like it when there is something inside my nose.. I can understand.
But still we remind him not to do that and threaten to put vicks on his fingers when he digs for gold again.
There was once he over did it... despite our repeated threats and scoldings and friendly reminders.. (Ok, they happened the other way round), he dig and dig, dig and dig and finally, "Mummy.. pain pain..." and when my tissue went in, it came out with blood.
The next time the digs his nose repeatedly, I would remind him of how he made his nose bleed and how it was painful and then he would stop because he remembers the unpleasant feeling.
The other day, I was sitting alone in the living room watching tv.. and feeling something in my nose, I just reached it to take it out.. and SUDDENLY, my son creeped up from behind me and put his face close to mine and spoke close to my ears...
"Mama! Why you 学我?!" (do what I do)
Oops.. caught red handed.. I was so embarrassed...
"Don't do this ah.. wait pain pain got blood again ah... remember ah... dun do it ok?"
I almost fainted...
Previous Post: Gambler Ace?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gambler Ace?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Send Love
Shin with her candour and courage inspires me and because of this, she is often in my mind and in my heart even though we have never met each other but merely had a few exchanges online...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
We Are Going To The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

Monday, January 12, 2009
Funny Face

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Training Chopsticks

"The storybook I would love to be trapped in"

So I started thinking...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Two Children?

PPS: I did not want to break Ace's heart but eventually at night, I told him that Meimei is not coming so soon already.... He asked me why and I told him that she is not ready to be here yet... but the next day, when I ask him, he still insists that Meimei is inside my tummy.. Ah Yee asked him if she had a baby in her tummy and he said Ah Yee dun have, only Mummy has meimei inside tummy. A week later, he still insists that there is a Meimei in my tummy... I wonder if it is possible to be pregnant and still menstruate.. hehehe :)
Oh well, if it is meant to be, it is meant to be...
Click HERE to see more photos of Tiff and Ace enjoying themselves.
Previous Post: Ace The Pianist
Friday, January 09, 2009
Ace The Pianist

Since they had a piano there and Ace's 小姑knows how to play the piano, we got her to play some songs for Ace. After a while, Ace the pianist started to play the piano...
In the picture, he looks like he is very sat.. very steady right? In reality though, he is just playing haphazardly.. hahahaha..
Speaking of which, I think Ace is very sure about what he likes and what he doesn't. While he has shown interest in music, he is very definite about his love for dancing.
The other day, we were watching Campus Superstar together and I asked him if he wanted to become a superstar in future since he seemed to enjoy watching them sing. "No, I want to be spiderman next time..." he said.
But during the advertisement, he suddenly ran to me and said, "Mummy, I want to be this one.." and he pointed to the ad that was showing on tv.. it was the ad for 舞林大道, one of his favourite competitions for dancing.. kind of like the Taiwanese version of America's Top Dancer or something like that.
"You want to become the champion for this dance competition? Do you mean you want to become a dancing star?"I asked him.
"Yeah..." he said and nodded his head happily...
Ok, I think I want to send him to a dancing class soon..
Previous Post: Ace Photog
Previous Post:
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Ace Photog

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Strawberry Kid

The other day, after a long, tiring walk in the zoo, Ace told me, "Mummy, I don't want to be Strawberry kid already. I want to be Just Kids... I want to be baby.. I want you to carry me.." and then he sulked when I refused to carry him...
So I explained to him that there are benefits of being a good boy as well. "If you are a just kid... then you would be too young to do many things. For example, you cannot eat ice cream...'
And at this point, he told me, "Sola is just kid but he eats ice cream...."
Win already lor...
Previous Post: Chicken Rice
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Chicken Rice

"Chicken rice!"
"Chicken 饭!"
Anytime you ask him what he wants to eat.. the current most popular answer is CHICKEN RICE.
But you see, in the vegeterian world of food, chicken rice is not a dish that is available easily. Only certain stalls sell them and for some stalls, they only do so on certain dates.
Faced with the the choice of dealing with his tantrum if we say there is no chicken rice and having to spend one thousand years trying to persuade him to eat something else, we decided to be cowards and choose the easy way out of telling him we will find SPECIAL chicken rice for him.
And the most important focus word is SPECIAL... (that is one of the 13 most persuasive words that you can use when you want to use persuasion to persuade people to do something.)
So now other than chicken rice, he will request for his SPECIAL rice ;)
Anyway, yesterday, we went to pick Ace up from school and were on our way home. All of a sudden, for no reason at all, Ace asked me, "Can you show Gong Gong how to make chicken rice? He says he does not know how to make chicken rice and I want to eat."
Monday, January 05, 2009
It's OK

I've seen this happen to many people around me and I guess it is a reflection of how I think:
- the body is weak and they lose the baby- It's my fault
- their business partner slacks and has no results- It's my fault
- their child does something wrong- It's my fault
- someone dies in the family or someone they love dies- It's my fault
The list goes on.... if you see those people who are quick to defend, get upset easily and are usually very judgemental... these are really guilty people whose favourite phrase is "it's my fault and I deserve hell". If you see them, just send love to them and forgive them for being so anal. They just didn't know how to.. or am not ready to have the courage to do forgiveness instead.
Anyway, Ace.. if you should see this later on in your life... my point is this. Take responsibility for all that is happening in your life. Don't blame other people. Know that you have it because you want it... everything you have in your life is because you value it... but dun waste time blaming yourself and building an altar for your mistakes.. if you do, you start to play the vicious cyclical game of guilt and you will end up making not just you but all the people you love who love you around you very unhappy.. ok?
Meanwhile, Mummy will jia you to get out of this!
Previous Post: I Die Already
Sunday, January 04, 2009
I Die Already
The other day, he took a marker and drew on his legs and when I asked him what those drawings on his legs were, he told me, "This is a picture of super boy...." I never expected him to say "this a picture of..."
Then we were talking about his friends in school and he told me, "Yang yang is my friend. Xu Ai is also my friend." Wow! He knows how to use "also"...
Along with the improvement in his vocabulary and grammer, comes in improvement of his logical thinking and even his sense of humour.
The other day, he wanted to drink some sugary drinks.. considering the fact that he has hit his quota for the day, I told him he can drink plain water later when we reach home... "Oh, I die already..." he said.
"Why are you dead?" I asked him.
"Because I have no water to drink.. so I die..." Hahahaha...
And then we were playing a game and I held his hands in my hands and told him I will "kiap" his hand. He found it very fun and kept asking me to "kiap" his hand. Then Daddy said he will "kiap" his head...
"wooooo... I die already.... I got no head....wooooo" said Ace in a ghostly voice.
We had a good time laughing over it.
Previous Post: SAB's Youngest Trader
Saturday, January 03, 2009
SAB's Youngest Trader

Friday, January 02, 2009
Ace, The Builder

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Do You Know What Is This?