Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Bey Blade

Recently, Max's office relocated itself to somewhere like 5 minutes away from where we stay.. as a result, he is home like 45 minutes earlier than usual and we tend to have our dinner earlier... and since we have dinner early, it seems we have alot more spare time with nothing to to...

So leh, the other day the two very bored father and son decided to have a bey blade competition...

Initially, Ace was leading and then he very hao lian lor... laughed loudly and gave a smug look.. then eventually Max caught up in terms of score and won and then Ace (who is still very bad at losing) started to whine and cross his arms.. His dad says if he is going to be a sore loser, he wouldnt play with him and finally he stopped...

So they had another game and this time round, Max started out losing again.. and when he lost, he pretended to be like Ace and cry and kick his legs and said, "I don't want to play anymore..."

The very gleeful Ace laughed at him and said, "Don't be like a girl.. crying like a sissy..."

Only to whine and cry like a sissy himself later when he lost! Hai...

And when I told him, "If he wants to play, then dun cry and dun be a sore loser... "

He merely continue to cry and said, "I want to be a sore loser! I want to be a sore loser!"

????!!!! Like tat also can?????!!!!!!

Previous Post: Pink Ribbon Walk

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