Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weapons Crazy

Ace has been weapons crazy lately...

He has been making lego guns, paper guns, dart machines, etc etc etc...

That is him and his home made dart blower..

He is so happy that his dart could pierce through the banana..

We tried very hard to explain to him why we do not like him to be so obsessed with weapons but it did not make any impact on him. He says when he grows up, he wants to be a weapons designer.. I think weapons kill many when in the hands of people who abuse it and so it is bad karma to design weapons and told him so... he said he still likes weapons despite that...

I can only hope that he will outgrow his weapons phase just like he outgrew his phase of wanting to become a doctor police (forensic scientist) , policeman, prime minister of Singapore, spy, game designer, scientist...

Anyway, on a seperate note, Daddy says he wants to reward Ace for braving it with us to see LKY one last time  and queuing with us for so many hours and so he says he will bring Ace out for ice cream..

Since there is an ice cream place near Yeye and Nainai house, we dropped by the other day after visiting them...

I think the ice cream is so so only lah... Dun think we will be back again...

Previous Post: An Arty Farty Day!

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