Friday, May 22, 2015

Good Boy Washed The Dishes

The other day, I asked Ace if he could please go wash his own cups in the sink.

He said, "OK!" And without a word, he went to put on my apron and started washing.

Not only did he wash all the cups that he used, he even washed up those dishes and cups that me and Max used.

Wah.. very impressed that he is such a sweet boy leh...

Only one thing though.. He took 45 minutes to wash these few cups and bowls... It is at best a 5-7 minute job but our good friend took 45 min.. I dun dare to think how much water he wasted.

But he spent alot of time soaping the cups repeatedly. I asked him if there is a need to take such a long time and his reply was..."Ya, have to make sure clean lah.. we put these in our mouths and eat with them leh..."

Ok ok.. I think I should be a little more encouraging right.. so I ZIPPED and told him I really appreciate him helping out and that he is a very good boy. I told him I posted a pic of him doing housework for me on FB and he recieved many likes from my friends and he was so happy :) wahahahaha...

PS: My good boy is very lazy most of the time though. THe other day we saw a toy he liked. I told him if he worked on household chores and I will pay him for the chores and he can earn the money to buy this toy he likes. He dun want wor, he rather give up! I guess he doesnt really want this toy SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much like he said..

Previous Post: I Made $5!

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