Monday, May 11, 2015

Rich Friends

Ace always seem to be surrounded by "rich" people.. or just friends who self proclaim to be very rich.

When he was in Dubai, he had this good friend who keep talking about how rich he is and says when he grows up he wants to invent a powder that makes pple smell rich :) haha..

Now that he is in Singapore, he will still come home and tell me about this good friend of his, T, who also claims to be very rich and has rich relatives..

So J always talks about how rich he is and what sort of rich, expensive presents his cousins give him and what sort of toys he can buy...

Sometimes if I find Ace talking too much about that, I asked him if he is envious and tease him about it... "Maybe you can ask T's father if they can make you their son also... then you can also have rich parents who buys you all sorts of awesome toys!:)"

But he says he wouldnt trade parents for anything in the world.. haha:)

Previous Post: Mothers' Day Present

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