Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ace Likes Gu Cai Kway?!

Most children would love foods like cakes, pancakes, chocolates, etc...

My son is no different. BUT, he also has a very strange liking for GU CAI KWAY.. which is a chinese style food where chives are chopped, fried and wrapped in a skin made of rice flour, water and oil.

Gu cai kway does not look enticing nor is it especially tasty. In fact, the only people who like this food that I know are more than 50 years old lor...

Initially, he just always says that he wants to share the gu cai kway with me whenever my dad buys it for me for breakfast.

Only today, then I had an inkling of how much he loves this chinese snack!

It was early morning and Ace was throwing a tantrum in the bedroom. I asked him what is it about and he complained that he is upset because it is a sunday and gong gong did not buy the chocolate pancake for him.. because it is only available on sundays.

I told him if he wanted to eat that, he had to remind gonggong in advance and ask gong gong to buy. Gong Gong cannot read his mind and know what he wants to eat all the time.

My mum then said that it is because gong gong didn't want him to eat heaty food and chocolate is very heaty.

But Ace wasn't pacified.

I told him he has to choose something to eat or he can choose not to eat breakfast and stay hungry. He can make his own choice ;) He chose to continue to throw a tantrum.

And then, all of a sudden, I noticed there is gu cai kway.. so i told him I can share with him. And he happily decided to stop his tantrum and went to brush his teeth immediately so tat he can eat the gu cai kway..

After he finished brushing his teeth, he asked me if he could eat the kway by himself and not share with me. And since he liked it so much, I let him have it and so he told me that he loves me very much and gave me a big hug as a thank you..

Previous Post: Creative Ace

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