Friday, November 12, 2010

Say Sorry Lah!

My grandmother was happily watching the Taiwanese soap opera, AI.

Ace always says he does not like the show so other than the parts where there is a little boy called Baodi, he will usually NOT watch the show and spend his time playing with toys and doing different things.

Anyway, the storyline came to the point where this baddie in the show had cancer and in the last moments of his life, he started to regret all the mistakes he made in life and he decided to turn around and be a tgood man.

Touched by his sincerity to change himself, everyone started to do things to help him too and his ex lover who bore him a son finally agreed to change his family surname to that of his biological father.

So the bad ass, Guo Congmin (he also calls himself Handsome Min) was very touched my their gesture and he said, "All of you are so good to me and so kind to me.. I really do not know what to say.."

(That is a common line in typical taiwanese soap operas.)

And my son, while still playing with his toy without even looking up said, "Say thank you lah... people do nice things for you how can you not know what to say.. so rude if you never say thank you..."

Me, my mother and grandmother had a good laugh! hahahahaha

Previous Post: Ace Likes Gu Cai Kway?!

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