And in our almost 12 years together, I think we have only done sports together less than 10 times:)
I don't know what came over me though.. some time back, Max told me that he wanted to take part in the standchart run and asked if I would like to join him.. i said ok lor.. in the end, he signed me and Ace up for the 3K fun run...
Me and Ace said we wanted to train for it but end up only went to the gym together once:) wahahaha...
So that day early morning, Max went and did his run.. not bad leh.. he got time to run finish, and still come back to fetch me and Ace there for our run:)

That's Max running ;)
Ace is all ready for the run:)
Going to leave the house!:)
In the car...
Was a beautiful day wiht beautiful blue skies and Max's fav stripe clouds:)
By time we reached some people from some sort of african country were already celebrating the win of the marathon runner who had come in first:)
All ready to go!:)
We even saw people who dressed up to run 10K in THAT outfit! wah seh! I salute!
Ace saw his friends Ryoma and Anjyu there:)
The kids started to find something to entertain themselves with the throw the stone to hit the balloon game..
That's Risako, Anjyu and Ryoma's sister:) She was good siah, she ended up finishing the line before Ace and me!:)
Everyone's favourite gate:)
Even doggies joined the run:)
Hahahaha... pattern badminton!:)
Getting ready to start..
Ace was very grumpy because, "I am very hungry, I want to eat something..."
Max was contemplating whether to run again or not.. i asked him to pls run lah.. then he can pace Ace.. cannot leave up to me.. cos i din train.. sure very slow one... and he think think think.. and decided to do another 3K with ace.. and lucky he did! Cos halfway I had a bad stitch and was reduced to walking...
Wah.. need to use crane to hold their advertisement or not??:P
Saw people throwing stuff into the air, we decided to inch towards that area to get some...
Yay! They were throwing and giving out foods!
At least Ace got to eat before the run starts!
He even got a balloon to blow..
Almost going to start. run is starting in 5 min...
Wah this co very good.. they make their own tshirts and make super small size for their very chio staff to wear.. excellent advertisement!:) wahahahaha
started running liao.. father and sun ran holding the balloon! wahahahaha.. I tried to keep up but lost steam after some time.. :) wahahaha..
That's me after the run... I took about 20 min to finish 3 K.. Ace did much better and finished in 17 minutes or so... so much faster than me! wahahahahah..
But it was a very interesting experience for me. It was like a parenting 101 workshop where you get to see different parenting styles :)
As I was running, I saw so many different types of parents and their kids as they ran... first, there was of course the, "Let's run together type" like Max and Ace where Max paced Ace and they just kept on running slowly but steadily without stopping... never tok one.. just run...
Another type I saw is the bring their kids and play cheat and cut across all the shortcuts so that the kids and themselves dun have to run so much (there was even a company whose staff wore company tshirt and they all do short cuts.. I thinking I wouldnt want to do business with them man.. hahaha)
There is another type who ran and kept saying, "Keep going.. as long as you do your best, it is good enough.. do you need to slow down?" And they will slow down for a while and ask "Are you ready to go again? Let's give our best..." and they kept encouraging all the way...
Then there is one.. the boy was probably a year younger than Ace or so... and he was crying while he was running.. by then i think he has been running for 2 K.. "It's so painful... so painful.." he cried with tears streaming down his eyes.. i think he had stitch like i did but he did not stop running and his father just ran beside him steadily, no expression, never once turning around.
So which parenting style are you? ;)
After the run, Ace wanted to play with the obstacle course.. he must have played this at least 10 times!
I was surprised he dare to swin g over.. but he says that he also has this in his playground in school.. no wonder:)
Mr Chua leh.. was as usual.. STILL WORKING!
So i self entertain by taking pics of myself:)
Then we played some games..
And Ace got to eat candy floss:)
The bag I collected at the end of the run did not have any medal..and I had to go and ask for it:) whahaha
Told Ace we were very impressed with his running time.. so we let him choose lunch... he chose mac d but was upset cos the happy meal only had ONE type of toy and it was a toy he already have!:) wahahahaha
Anyway, since then, Ace is quite excited about running and we also bought him a pair of running shoes to run in.. he brought his medal to school to show and tell and his teacher asked him to wear his medal for the day so everyone will know.. he says a few people also brought the medal for show and tell..
The most hilarious thing about this is that one of his friends saw this.. and was perhaps jealous or wanting not to lose out.. so he told Ace that his dad took part too and that his dad came in first.. We explained to Ace that the top 5 people were from Kenya and so couldnt be his friend's dad (as they are from Serbia). And also, we couldnt find anyone with that surname in the database... so his friend was probably not telling the truth...
Ace says ok he is going to go to school and tell his friend he is lying... I had to explain to him that his friend was probably just boasting and blowing his own horn and there is no need to go tell him, "you are lying.." just know that this is his trait (this happens often) and so in future everything this person says.. just listen like 5% .. the other 95% pretend is listen to story.. wahahahaha
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