These videos are part of his latest research outcomes.. you can view them here:
I showed Ace the video and we had an interesting discussion about how words can have a profound effect on our very own being. As Ace is sort of new to this concept, he is curious about all the work that Dr Emoto has done and so I showed him a youtube video which is part of the movie called What The Bleep Do We Know...
And I reminded Ace that we have to be careful with the words we use with OTHERS and also with ourselves.
Also, I pointed out to Ace that the crystal with blessings from a monk looked pretty too.. and that is the reason why we need to chant everyday.. cos the water in our body can hear our chanting and transform into something beautiful from inside out since we are 70% made up of water.. hahaha.. But I guess Ace already knew tat since he has always loved to drink the gohonzon water... the water we offer for prayers.. He loves to drink the water from the prayers and seem to think of it as magic water since young. If he is unhappy or is not feeling well, he will request for gohonzon water :) wahahahaa...
Told Max I shared with Ace the video about The Message In Water by Dr Emoto and shared about an experiment a teacher did... (you can see the video in the link I listed.. basically, he had three bottles of rice he labled thanks, hate and ignore.. and he asked his students to do what the bottle said to the bottle whenever they walked past...)
He found out that while the rice in the bottle with thank you still looked white and edible after more than a hundred days and the bottle with Hate on it had gone mouldy.. it did not look quite as bad as the one that was being ignored. Moral of the story, NEGLECT is the worst thing ever a parent can do to child..
Max says.."So does that mean next time that it is better for me to scold my son than to ignore him?" Wahahaahaha.. Well, I guess in a way it is... got attention is better than no attention at all.. I think at least that is how children think...
Anyway, this got Max's creative juices churning... So my hubby requested me to do THIS on his FAVOURITE DRINK!

Hahaha.. i think must ask him his blue sapphire got taste nicer or not:) wahahaha..
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