He wants Kendama!

I also dunno what it is intially.. I googled and found out it is some ancient japanese wooden toy.
When I saw it, I was like.. Ok wat.. why you want this toy... nothing much you can do with it wat...
Till I saw this video..
Even I want to say "kickass awesome"... hahaha
But knowing my boy... chances are, he will get one eventually, play with it and forget it.. I dun think he will master fancy moves like these:) hahaha.. cos he has not discipline and not enough interest to keep practising.
But I must say that Ace is very thoughtful.
The other day, he told me one of his friends bought a Kendama in the market for $5 and he has been looking for it cos most that he see are $10 or more.
His friends who bring it to school do not allow the pple who do not have one to test or play with it and so he and his other buddy, E, are always not allowed to play and left out..
"I only have $10. If i buy one, then my friend don't have.. if I can find the cheaper one, then I can buy two and give one to him.." he explained to me when I asked him why he was looking for that $5 one..
Good friend! Haha...
And why is so happy? Cos a MEINU bought him a KENDAMA!:)
Not me lah:) wahahahaha.. Actually is his favorite Jez Meinu who bought for him when she bought for her daughters:)
He is so excited and has been practising at home everyday :) Sorry, I correct myself.. he has been practising at home and outside of home everyday...
So he started off being able to throw the ball and catch it in the groove once in every 10 tries.. after one day of practice, it became once in every 5 tries... and then it became one in every 3 tries...
And now he can throw the ball, catch it in the larger groove.. the smaller groove... and also in between the grooves and also throw it up and let it go back into the stick:)
Here is a video where he haolian a little..
But leh, he is now thinking of buying another one so he can do tricks with BOTH hands. I told him when he masters ONE kendama.. then only will we think about buying the second one:) hahaha
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