Monday, June 01, 2015

*Beep* Your Mother

Remember how I confiscated Ace's phone after I caught him watching youtube videos on the sly when he was supposed to be sleeping early as there is school the next day?

One day while chatting, I asked Ace if his friends knew that he lost the privilege to use the phone. "Ya, I told them.." he said.

So I teased him and asked him if they said he was such a poor thing that he had such bad, mean mother.

"Ya, some of them said it was tough luck. Some of them said I am very ke lian and one of them, D, even scolded you and said 'Beep your mother"."

"So what did you say when he said that?" I asked Ace.

"I told him not to said that... I told him must 给我的妈妈一点面子.." Ace said.

I told Ace that while I understand that his friend is trying to 打抱不平 for him, it is wrong to scold your friend's mother. It is not respectful and he is not to do that ever. So it is not a matter of give face or not.. hahaha..

Plus, his dad ever once told him that he always has to protect his mother. Just like how Yeye taught his dad... "You should never fight. But if one day, anyone were to scold your mother, I give you permission to punch him.." Wahahahaah... So I told him he can tell his friend that they are not to say that about his mother and ask the to stop.

"Anyway, he didn't use the F word lah.. he just said BEEP... "Ace explained furthur.."He knows if he uses the F word I wouldnt give him a chance and will tell the teacher straight.."

And I think the crux of the matter is... 自己做错事,不要连累老妈OK :) I think a true man will stand up and say, "Don't scold my mother, I was at fault so I take the consequences like a man.." hahaha

Previous Post: See You Again

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